WMTTSE (Manage Time Exception) was developed to give managers the ability to manage their employees' time exceptions for a pay period. This functionality can only be used for employees whose time sheets are generated with shifts (start and end time sheets). As an exception is handled, it is removed from the exception list.

The screen will only display previous day(s) time exceptions. Clients have the ability to define the time frame for which they want the exceptions to display in the list. This may be done by modifying the where clause called ‘EX_TM_TYP_MGR’. By default the exception period is 7 days from yesterday. Although users have the ability to change the exception period, we do not recommend making the interval too long as it may result in performance issues.

Time Code Exceptions#

This section displays all employees who have exceptions that must be handled.
The employee's person code, name and assignment are displayed in this field.
The date of the time exception is indicated in this field.
Start Time
This field holds the time exception's start time.
End Time
This field holds the time exception's end time.
The number of hours the time exception is for is indicated here. The time codes listed here are those that are defined in the lexicon X_TM_EXCEPTIONS.
Time Code
The time code used to record the time exception is indicated here.
Reason For Time
The employee's chosen reason for time is displayed here.
Time Sheet
The employee's time sheet number that the time exception was entered for will display here.
Include Indirectly Managed Employees
This toggle allows the Manager to extend the list to display employees who the Manager is indirectly responsible for.

There are 2 dialogs that can be used to manage exceptions listed in the grid:

Change Work
This button allows managers to allocate the time for the specific transaction against a specific time code or use special conditions. Once the time sheet has been approved the dialog will no longer be available.
Add Leave
This button allows managers to place the employee on leave by selecting the appropriate time code or special condition.Once the time sheet has been approved the dialog will no longer be available.
Go To Time Sheet
The dialog ‘Go to Time Sheet’ is used to take the user to the time sheet screen (WMTTS). In order to use this functionality, the Time Sheet form (WMTTS) must be available on the self-service menu.

Day Details#

This section displays the details for a specific transaction. It identifies whether or not there is a missing punch and allows for the creation of missing punches (if required). The ‘Expected Punch Prediction’, ‘In Punch’ and ‘Out Punch’ columns were added to allow managers to quickly identify whether the exception is the result of a missing punch.
The employee's person code and name will display in this field.
The date of the time exception is displayed in this field.

Start Time
The start time of the transaction is indicated here.
End Time
The end time of the transaction is displayed here.
Time Type
The type of time entry of the transaction is indicated here.
Expected Punch Prediction
This field will display what the expected punch will be, ie: In, Out
In Punch
This field will indicate if the clock punch was an IN punch type.
Out Punch
This field will indicate if the clock punch was an OUT punch.
Time Code
The time code used to track the time within the transaction will be indicated.

Create Missing Punch
This button allows the Manager to create a clock punch if one is missing. The ‘Create Missing Punch’ dialog will always be enabled, however once a time sheet has been submitted and if a punch is added to the time sheet it will not be processed in the system. The Maintain Clock Entry form (ITCE) will store the punch with a status of ‘Un-generated’. The Audit Info field will display a message indicating that the time sheet has been closed.

Leave Balance#

This section displays the employee’s leave balances and is intended to provide managers a reference when entering leave information to know exactly how much time an employee has available in their banks.
Leave Policy Code
The leave policy code is indicated in this field.
The leave policy's description is displayed in this field.
Balance To Date
The system will derive the employee's leave balance for the leave policy indicated.

Restrictions on Changing the Time Sheet#

The following restrictions have implemented on the time sheet:
  1. The ‘Change Work’ and ‘Add Leave’ dialogs will be disabled once a time sheet has been approved (i.e. Time Sheet Status = Ready for Payroll)
  2. The ‘Create Missing Punch’ dialog will always be enabled, however once a time sheet has been submitted and if a punch is added to the time sheet it will not be processed in the system. The Maintain Clock Entry form will store the punch with a status of ‘Un-generated’. The Audit Info field will display a message indicating that the time sheet has been closed.

Defining the Time Codes to Display in the Exceptions List#

Each client can identify which time codes they would like to display in the exceptions list by setting up the lexicon ‘X_TM_EXCEPTIONS’. Each time code must be setup in the lexicon ‘X_TM_EXCEPTIONS’ as follows:
Saved ValueTime Code (this must be identical to the time code definition)
Displayed ValueIt is recommended that this value be identical to the saved value
MeaningIt is recommended that this value be identical to the saved value

Defining the Time Frame for Displaying Exceptions#

Clients have the ability to define the time frame for which they want the exceptions to display in the list. A where clause called ‘EX_TM_TYP_MGR’ should be defined.

By default the exception period is seven days from yesterday. Although users have the ability to change the exception period, it is not recommended to make the interval too long as it may result in performance issues.

Making the Function Available in Self-Service#

As with any other Self Service function, this must be attached to the manager menu in IMMU and appropriate execution rights granted to the function in IMER.

Notes #

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