Rate Employee Goals#

This screen is used to maintain a managers employee goals and their related activities and comments. On this screen a manager can view all their employees based on their IMSV Security setup. They can also edit/enter manager comments, activities, ratings and submit them to go through the approval process. This screen is very similar to its Administrator counterpart, the WASGR screen.

Column NameData TypeDescription
ASSIGNMENT_TITLEVARCHAR2The Assignment Title granted to the selected employee.
FROMDATEThe period of time for which the goals are valid from.
TODATEThe period of time for which the goals are valid to.
MONTHSMONTHSThe number of months the employee was in his job.
NUMBERNUMBERThe number associated with the employee review.
REVIEW PHASENUMBERThe current phase of the review. These values are from the lexicon X_REVIEW_PHASE.
REVIEW STATUSNUMBERThe current status of the review. These values are from the lexicon X_REVIEW_STATUS

Available Options#

Submit Goals For Approval: This button submits the goals to go through the approval process.

Review Goals#


This table lists the competencies that are associated with the review. These competencies are from ICCC.


Column NameData TypeDescription
SEQNUMBERThe order in which the goals are shown/processed.
DESCRIPTIONTEXTAdditional text identifying the Goal.
JOB_TITLETEXTThe Title of the job related to the goal.
START_DATEDATEThe date the goal began.
END_DATEDATEThe date the goal is due to be completed.
GOAL_WEIGHTNUMBERThe weighting given to the specified goal.
SAR_ID_EEEMPLOYEE RATINGThe employee rating for the goal. These values come from the ISAR screen.
SAR_ID_MGRMANAGER RATINGThe Managers rating for the goal. These values come from the ISAR screen.

Goal Comments#

Column NameData TypeDescription
EMPLOYEE COMMENTSVARCHAR2The employees comments related to the goal.
MANAGER COMMENTSVARCHAR2The managers comments related to the goal.

Goal Details#

Column NameData TypeDescription
GOAL_STATUSVARCHAR2The status of the individual goal. These statuses are populated from the lexicon X_GOAL_STATUS
METRICVARCHAR2The unit of measurement in regards to the goal.
COMPETENCEVARCHAR2The competence related to the goal.
CREATED BYVARCHAR2The user who created the goal on the employees review.


Column NameData TypeDescription
JOB_TITLEVARCHAR2The job that the activity relates to.
GOALDATEThe date the activity started.
REVIEW_PHASELEXICONThe current phase of the review relating to the goal selected from the review goals tab.
CREATED BYVARCHAR2 The user that created the activity.
MANAGEMENT ONLYTOGGLEA toggle that indicates that this activities comments can only be seen by the management.
COMMENTSVARCHAR2 General Comments regarding the activity
END_DATEDATE The date the activity ended.
GOAL_ACTIVITY_STATUSLEXICON The status of the activity as it relates to the goal.

Review Comments#

Column NameData TypeDescription
EMPLOYEEVARCHAR2The employees review comments.
MANAGERVARCHAR2Additional general comments as they relate to the review.