In order to preclude unauthorized users from making changes to this Wiki, we have developed a mechanism, and security model, that controls changes to the core pages, but does not inhibit the free discussion that makes the wiki a tremendous collaborative tool. Authorized users (those part of the "Editor" group) can change any page, but other users of the system can add discussion notes. Other users (part of the "Employee" group) may only create or change pages that start with the word "Internal."

This is executed by including at the base of each page the following text:

[{InsertPage page='Internal.XXXXX' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]

where XXXXX is the name of the page it is appended to. This results in a link that "Employee" group users can click on, and create a page (if it doesn't exist) or come to the page and be permitted to edit it. This is handled through the JSPWIKI.POLICY entry

// ****    EMPLOYEE    ****
// People in the group Employee have edit & comment abilities on Pages whose title starts with "Internal"
grant principal com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.GroupPrincipal "Employee" {
    permission com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.PagePermission "*:Internal.*", "edit";

The page, if it exists, is appended to the main page so it appears as comments at the bottom, is searchable, but does not affect the core pages.

When a new Wiki release is distributed, pages that start with the word "Internal." are not included, so any pages that a customer creates are not overwritten, and any pages that High Line employees create is not sent. High Line editors can quickly identify pages that have Internal.XXXXXX discussions and update the documentation as needed.


Click to create a new notes page
