The My Transaction History (WEPTH) screen allows you to see your current and past time entries.

The definition data for the My Transaction History screen is stored in the P2K_PR_BATCHES and P2K_PR_PAY_TRANSACTIONS table.

The top portion of the screen lists the pay periods that time sheets have been entered for you. The pay periods are listed by the following fields:

Pay Issued On
This is the date that the pay was or will be issued.
Pay Starting Date
This field displays the first day of the pay period being recorded.
Pay Ending Date
This field displays the last day of the pay period being recorded.
By clicking on one of the pay periods listed, you will be able to see further details about that pay period in the following fields.

Pay Transactions#

Please note that in the numerical fields, the amount of decimal points is determined in Personality, not in Self Service.
Start Date
This field displays the date for which this pay transaction is generated.
This field displays the position associated with the pay transaction. This position comes from your assignment record.
This field displays the associated wage rate from your assignment record.
This field displays the rate basis in which the wage is expressed.
This field displays the associated title from your assignment record.
This field displays the associated job from your assignment record.
This field displays the associated department from your assignment record.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page