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My Matrix Time Cards#

The My Matrix Time Cards (WEPTCC) is a form intended for employees who charge their hours to predefined cost centers.

This screen is designed for a 7 day time sheet. If a 14 day time sheet is needed, the form definition needs to be changed as follows; on the form layout tab for any group that has the layout type of "Matrix Columns", the "SS Rows Displayed" needs to be changed from 7 to 14. This number should be the same as time sheet time frame.

The entries in the Productive Time grid are created by running UEGTS.

Basic Set Up#


On the Distribution Tab of the IEAS for the employee, there must be at least one entry using the Split Rule of Distr Pick List from the lexicon X_SPLIT_RULE. The first two segments of the distribution provided on the IEAS will be compared to the first two segments of the distributions provided for the Cost Centers in IDCC.

Below is an example of the set up on the Distribution Tab of the IEAS for an employee:

Sequence #Distribution CodeSplit RuleDistr %User %Amount $
103-111-????-?????Distr Pick List
2010-667-8767-55555Split By Percent100.00100.00


Below is an example of the set up in the IDCC for the cost centers:
EntityCost CenterDescriptionDistributionStart DateEnd DateSecurity Code
EntityFN-ARAccounts Receivable03-111-1111-11111
EntityFN-APAccounts Payable03-111-1111-11122
EntityHR-BenBenefits Admin03-112-1120-11111


If the employee will be entering daily time, the Status Rules on the employee's work rule (IDWR) should be set up as shown below. The toggle for Generate Details should also be 'On'.
For the Status ofObtain Details FromGenerate DetailsInto Time codeGenerate Salary As
ACTIVETM-Hours CalendarBy Day w/o TimeREG HRS
PROBATIONTM-Hours CalendarBy Day w/o TimeREG HRS