The My Tax Filing Information (WEPRLU) screen allows the employee view and maintain the tax filing information held in the company’s records regarding the employees' Federal, State and Local Income tax withholding.

Please note this is a "view only" screen

The definition data for the My Tax Filing Information is stored in the P2K_PR_US_TAX_AREAS and P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES table.

This field shows the Geo code of work tax jurisdiction.
The reason why these taxation rules are being maintained is shown in this field. (i.e. Default Tax rules).
There must be one blank jurisdiction record.
This function is date sensitive and changes made in these areas below the date navigator may be split with a new effective date.

Federal tab#

Filing Status
This field shows the employee's Federal Filing Status.
# of Exemptions
This field specifies the number of exemptions the employee claims.
Add’l Exemption
This field specifies any additional exemption amount the employee claims.
+ Tax / Period
This field shows the amount of additional tax to be taken each pay period.
Tax Amount
This field contains the flat tax amount that has been pre-calculated to be taken for the pay.
Tax %
This field contains the federal tax percentage applicable to this employee.

State tab#

Filing Status
This field shows the employee's State Filing Status.
# of Exemptions 1
This field specifies the number of primary exemptions for the employee (e.g. spouse, dependants etc.). In most cases this will be the only number of exemptions claims.
# of Exemptions 2
This field specifies the number of secondary exemptions for the employee. This is used in some states for blind or over-65 dependents.
Add’l Exemption
This field specifies any additional exemption amount the employee claims.
+ Tax / Period
This field indicates the amount of additional tax to be taken each pay period.
Tax Percent
This field contains the state tax percentage applicable to this employee.
Tax Amount
This field contains the flat tax amount that has been pre-calculated to be taken for the pay.

Local tab#

Filing Status
You will use this field to select a valid filing status for local tax calculation:
Number of Exemptions
This field specifies the number of exemptions the employee claims.
Tax % 1
This field contains the local tax% applicable to this employee.
Tax % 2
This field holds the additional rate of tax you may pass to Vertex.
Tax Amount
This field contains the flat tax amount that has been pre-calculated to be taken for the pay.
+ Tax / Period
This field shows the amount of additional tax to be taken each pay period.
Annual Exemption
This field specifies the annual exemption amount the employee claims.
Exemption %
This field specifies the additional exemption rate.

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