Employee Performance Reviews#

This screen is used to create and maintain employee reviews. This is a administrative screen which means the user who has access to it will be able to see all employees in Personality minus any IMSV - Security settings. This form may be manually entered or may be generated using the Generate Upcoming Reviews (USUR) program. ISRV also allows you to access a historical record of the reviews received by the employee over time.

Reviews are entered by type, and the review categories created for the type are rated for the employee. Reviews may be used to trigger a wage change or personnel action, or just to trigger another review after a certain period of time.

Record Performance Reviews data is maintained on the P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS, P2K_SA_REVIEWS and P2K_SA_REVIEW_RATINGS tables.

Available Options#

Initiate Review
This button is used to create a review for the highlighted employee.
The Submit button is used to send the review through the approval process if once exists.

Review Details#

Column NameData TypeDescription
REVIEW_DATEDATEThe date the review was created for.
REVIEW_NUMBERNUMBERThe unique number given to a review.
REVIEW_TYPE_CODEVARCHAR2The type of review being conducted. The type here are listed from populating the ISRT Screen.
JOBVARCHAR2The current job of the selected employee.
POSITIONVARCHAR2The Position Code associated to the employee and review.
STATUSLEXICONA lexicon value populated from the lexicon X_REVIEW_STATUS.
OVERALL_RATINGLEXICONA lexicon value popualted from the lexicon X_OVERALL_RATING.
REVIEW_PHASELEXICONA lexicon value popualted from the lexicon X_REVIEW_PHASE.
OVERALL_POINTSNUMBERTotal number of points allocated to the review for the selected employee. This number is usually the total of the points from the Review Ratings portion of the review.

This field displays the assignment to which this review is related. For example, if the review is for an employee’s performance in their main assignment, choose “Primary Assignment” here.
Review Method
This field shows the method used to conduct this review or this type of review.
Overall Points
This field displays the total number of points for this review.
Next Review Date
This field displays the date of the next review for the employee.
Review Done By
This field indicates who conducted the review.
Based on Prior Job
If the person is being reviewed on a job they previously held, check this toggle.
EE Relations Manager Req'd.
If an employee relations manager is required, this toggle is checked.
a Lexicon value indicating the amount of Potential an employee has to succeed. X_POTENTIAL
a lexicon value indicating the amount or risk and employee is of leaving the company. These values are stored in X_RETENTION_RISK
This field displays the individual conducted the review.
This field allows you to include additional information about the review.
This field allows you to attach comments to a particular review.

Review Ratings#

Review Category
This field displays the categories that have been defined for the review type. This data will default in from the Review Type (ISRT) form.
Review Rating
This field displays the review rating given if you are using a subjective system. This rating may also include alphanumeric descriptions of the review points awarded.
This field shows the points that have been awarded to the employee for performance in this category, if a points system is used to rate employees.
Max Points
This field will show the maximum points a candidate may obtain for this review.
Weighted Points
Total Points
This field displays any comments that may have been added in regards to the employee's performance ratings.