The Generate Upcoming Reviews (USUR) program allows you to create reviews automatically using the rules defined by Review Type (ISRT).

You may wish to generate reviews for probationary and annual reviews, for example, but would not wish to automatically generate disciplinary reviews.

Reviews by Position or Job#

If you have many special rules set up on Review Types that are specific to certain Positions or Jobs you can set the review types up there and when you run USUR leave the Review Type parameter blank. The program will then check first the position for a review type by the as of date and if not found then check the job. If no Review Type found the person will be bypassed for this special run type.

Launching the process#

Report Parameters
As Of DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
Date used to read the Assignment information that is used with the report filters. It will also be used to read the Position/Job information if no Review Type specified. Defaults to the current date.
Override Review DateOptional, Date, LOV available
This field allows you to override the calculated review date for every review created in this run. All qualified employees will receive their review on the date specified here.
Review TypeOption, LOV available
In this field you can select the appropriate review type. Through the review type you can define the review period and basis to establish the next review date. If left blank the Position or Job will be read to find the appropriate review type to use.
Review EligibilityMandatory, LOV available
Select the method to use to establish whether the person qualifies to receive a review at this time.
Last Review Dt Range
Anniversary Dt Range
Next Review Date Range
Hire Date Range
Next Review Date RuleMandatory, LOV available, <Use Review Type Rule>
This field allows you to specify the rule used to calculate the next review date for the reviews generated.
Use Next Review Date
User Review Type Rule
Eligible From DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
This is the earliest date used for determining if a person is eligible for a review in this run.
Eligible To DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
This is the latest date used for determining if a person is eligible for a review in this run.
Sort People ByMandatory, LOV Available
This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted.
Person Code, Last Name, Government Code, Employment Type, Hire Date
TrialOptional, LOV available
You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results without permanent records being created.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required. Default is Exceptions Only, other levels are used for debugging problems.
Print Run LogsOptional, Toggle
If an run log is required set toggle to ON.
User CommentOptional, Text
This is a user supplied comment. This comment will appear on all pages of the report. It is helpful during the testing phase to use the User Comment field to indicate the test scenario being run.}]
Total at Level 1-5Optional ON/OFF Toggle
If a break level is chosen does the user want there to be totals at this break?
Page Break at Level 1-5Optional, ON/OFF Toggle
If a break level is chosen does the user want there to be a page break?

Report List Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This list contains the names of employees to be processed.
Person CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This is a comma-delimited list of person codes. It should not be used if a people list is used.
EntityOptional, LOV available
This field reduces list of people to those employees within entity listed.
LocationOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within locations listed.
AuthorizationOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within auth areas listed.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within the departments listed.
Org Level TypeOptional, Multiple selection available, LOV available
The report will be limited to the Organization Level Types indicated in this field.
Org LevelOptional, Multiple selections and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within org. levels listed.
UnitOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within units listed.
GroupOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within groups listed.
PayrollOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces list of people to those employees within payrolls listed.
Assignment TypeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This is an assignment type for which the review record is generated. This field allows users to generate reviews for just one assignment type at a time.
Employment StatusOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces the list of people to those employees with the status listed.

Notes #

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