The Wage Progress Date field in IEAS can be used in conjunction with the lexicon option Wage Progression Date in the STEP_BASE_DATE field in ISRS to manage employee wage/scale stepping. For customers with unions for example, where the base date for stepping can change when employees move from one union to another, the Wage Progress Date field in IEAS allows for easy access to a date that may need to be changed when employees change jobs.


(Originally a custom function for NJT that will be rolled out for general release)
When the option to use the Wage Progression Date is selected as the Base Date in ISRS, this will include a function that will auto select a wage step based on the interval between the Assignment Wage Progression Date and the current date. When an employee is moved into a new position or job, the STEPPING_INTERVAL is calculated between these two dates and compared to the Stepping Interval in ISRS. The function will then select the corresponding step and insert this into the Assignment when the change is saved. Along with the newly selected wage scale step, the corresponding wage rate is also inserted.


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