The View Employee Leave Balances (WAALB) is a form intended for Administrators so they may see detailed information about leave balances of employees. The WAALB_PRT is the printable version of this form.

The definition data for the View Employee Leave Balances screen is stored in the P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS and P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS tables.

The user would select the employee from the find list below.

Last Name
The employee's last name is displayed here.
First Name
The employee's first name is displayed here.
The employee's person code is indicated here.
The employment status of the employee and their hire date will display here.

The user will see the following information regarding employee leave balances.

Type of Leave
The type of leave is displayed here.
The last date the leave balance was evaluated is displayed here.
This is the time measurement of the leave is displayed here. e.g. Hr-Hours, DY-Days, etc.
Prior Balance
This field displays how much leave is remaining from last year.
Earned (Capped)
This field displays how much leave was earned during the current year.
This field displays how much leave was taken during the current year.
Earned (Unoff)
This field displays how much leave has been earned after the bank was last updated.
Taken (Unoff)
This field displays how much leave time has been taken after the bank was last updated.
Current Balance
This field displays the amount of time the employee currently has available to take.
Planned Leave
This field displays how much leave has been scheduled to be taken beyond the current date.


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