The following W-2 WAGE FORM DESCRIPTIONS should be read and the "Instructions for Forms W-2 Wages and Tax Statement" referenced prior to setting up IDFDV.

Box A - Employee's Social Security Number#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable

Box B - Employer's Identification Number Assigned by IRS #

Derived from IDFDV handles multiple government registrations
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable

Box C - Employer's Name, Address and ZIP Code #

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
2030 W2-ER-DELIV-ADDRBlank
2040 W2-ER-CITYBlank
2050 W2-ER-STATEBlank
2060 W2-ER-ZIPBlank
2070 W2-ER-ZIP-EXTBlank
The City State ZIP print format will conform with USPS format as follows: “CITYbbSTbbZIPCD-nnnn” where b = one space, ST = State Abbreviated Code, ZIPCD = ZIP code, ‘-nnnn’ = ZIP extension.

For foreign country address: Derived from IDFDV

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
2100 W2-ER-COUNTRYIf W2-ER-COUNTRY=USA, this field is left Blank, otherwise, W2-ER-COUNTRY will be retrieved from IDCO UDF ‘ISO COUNTRY CODE’.

Please note: W2-ER-F-COUNTRY Field Identifier is defined for printing on W2 Form and EFW2 file. This identifier can be defined as follows:

  • If Field Identifier: W2-ER-F-COUNTRY = NAME, the Country Name is printed
  • If Field Identifier: W2-ER-F-COUNTRY = ISO, the ISO Country Code is printed from IDCO UDF
  • If Field Identifier: W2-ER-F-COUNTRY = Blank, the default IDCO Country Code is printed

Box D - Control Number#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
2800 W2-CONTROL-PRTDefines if the Control Number should be printed on the form or not.

Null, 0– Do not print Control Number on W2 Form
1 - Print Control Number as defined in W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
2 - Print Control Number as defined from RPYEU ‘Sort Level By’ field
3 - Print W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
4 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ field and Person Code
5 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ field and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
6 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ field and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code.
If the ‘W2-CONTROL-PRT’ value is defined, then the value of ‘W2-CONTROL-NUM’ is printed on W2 Form Control Number field.
2810 W2-CONTROL-NUMControl Number on Form. Can contain a Data Base Column. Enter your company data, such as EID.PERSON_CODE

Box E - Employee's Name (First, Middle, Last) #

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
derivation expression: Decode(~,'01','JR','02','SR',NULL)

Box F - Employee's Address and ZIP Code #

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
2600 W2-EE-LOCN-ADDRBlank or constant MAIL
2610 W2-EE-DELIV-ADDRBlank
2620 W2-EE-CITYBlank
2630 W2-EE-STATEBlank
2640 W2-EE-ZIPBlank
2650 W2-EE-ZIP-EXTBlank
The City State ZIP print format will conform with USPS format as follows: “CITYbbSTbbZIPCD-nnnn” where b = one space, ST = State Abbreviated Code, ZIPCD = ZIP code, ‘-nnnn’ = ZIP extension.

For foreign country address: Derived from IDFDV

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
2680 W2-EE-COUNTRYIf W2-EE-COUNTRY = USA, then this field is left Blank, otherwise, W2-EE-COUNTRY will be retrieved from IDCO UDF ‘ISO COUNTRY CODE’.

Please note: W2-EE-COUNTRY Field Identifier is used for printing on W2 Form and EFW2 file. This identifier can be defined as follows:

  • If Field Identifier: W2-EE-COUNTRY = NAME, the Country Name is printed
  • If Field Identifier: W2-EE-COUNTRY = ISO, the ISO Country Code is printed from IDCO UDF
  • If Field Identifier: W2-EE-COUNTRY = Blank, the default IDCO Country Code is printed

Box 1 - Wages, Tips, Other Compensation #

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3000 W2-FIT-WAGEW2-BOX-01
  • This is the taxable earnings applicable for federal income tax withheld.
  • If an element that derives the wages, such as Regular Earnings, O/T earnings etc., is defined, the element should contain all taxable earnings less exemptions such as 401K, 125 plans etc.
  • If an element from the Federal Earning Pay Components after the Symmetry calculation is defined, this element should contain the Federal Earnings Pay Component and Federal Supplemental Earnings Pay Component.

Box 2 - Federal Income Tax Withheld#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3010 W2-FIT-TAXW2-BOX-02

Box 3 - Total Social Security Wages#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3020 W2-SSN-WAGEW2-BOX-03

The total of Box 3 and 7 cannot exceed the annual maximum social security wage base defined by the government. RPYEU will automatically supply the annual maximum when the government publishs the maximum amount every year. IDGV does not need to be set up with the ‘US FICA Registration’ Registration Type or the ‘Govt Rate Type’ defined as ‘US FICA Max Base Amt’. RPYEU program checks the maximum and an exception message is issued if the wage base is exceeded.

Box 4 - Employment Social Security Tax Withheld#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3030 W2-SSN-TAXW2-BOX-04

Box 5 - Medicare Wages and Tips#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3040 W2-MEDI-WAGEW2-BOX-05

Box 6 - Medicare Tax Withheld#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3050 W2-MEDI-TAXW2-BOX-06

Box 7 - Social Security Tips#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3060 W2-SSN-TIPW2-BOX-07

The total of Box 3 and 7 cannot exceed the annual maximum social security wage base defined by the government. RPYEU will automatically supply the annual maximum when the government publishs the maximum amount every year. IDGV does not need to be set up with the ‘US FICA Registration’ Registration Type or the ‘Govt Rate Type’ defined as ‘US FICA Max Base Amt’. RPYEU program checks the maximum and an exception message is issued if the wage base is exceeded.

Box 8 - Allocated Tips#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3070 W2-ALLOC-TIPW2-BOX-08

Box 9#


Box 10 - Dependent Care Benefits#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3090 W2-DEP-CAREW2-BOX-10

Box 11 - Nonqualified Plans#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
3100 W2-NQUALW2-BOX-11
  • The value for W2-NQUAL should include the amounts for Identifiers W2-NQUAL-457 and W2-NQUAL-N457
  • The Magnetic Media file will report the amount from W2-NQUAL-457 and W2-NQUAL-N457 while the W2 form will print amount from W2-NQUAL

Box 12 - Codes#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field Identifier
4000 - 4030 W2-CODE-A W2-CODE-B W2-CODE-C W2-CODE-D
4040 - 4070 W2-CODE-E W2-CODE-F W2-CODE-G W2-CODE-H
4080 - 4110 W2-CODE-J W2-CODE-K W2-CODE-L W2-CODE-M
4120 - 4150 W2-CODE-N W2-CODE-P W2-CODE-Q W2-CODE-R
4160 - 4190 W2-CODE-S W2-CODE-T W2-CODE-V W2-CODE-W
4200 - 4230 W2-CODE-Y W2-CODE-Z W2-CODE-AA W2-CODE-BB
4280 - 4290 W2-CODE-GG W2-CODE-HH
  • Up to four lines can be printed per W2 form
  • If more than four lines are required for one employee, subsequent W2 forms are generated
  • Each Box 12 entry is associated with a W2 code which will be printed on Box 12 along with the associated amount
  • For an explanation of each code's usage, please refer to the instructions for Form W2 Box 12
  • When the value of the IDFDV Field Variable is greater than zero, the W2 code and the value of content is printed

Box 13 - Check the Boxes that Apply:#

Statutory Employee
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
4240 - 4270 W2-CODE-CC
If the amount is greater than zero, then this box is checked

Retirement Plan

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
6020 W2-RETIRE-PLANIf the amount is greater than zero, then this box is checked

Third-party Sick Pay

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
6060 W2-3PARTY-SICKIf the amount is greater than zero, then this box is checked

Box 14 - Other#

Derived from IDFDV
SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
5000 - 5190W2-OTHER-01, W2-OTHER-02, ... up to W2-OTHER-20
6500 W2-SCHL-WAGE for school district taxable wages
6510 W2-SCHL-TAX for school district tax
  • For W2 form ‘2 on 1 page’ format, up to four lines (2 Box 14 items) can be printed.
  • For W2 form ‘4 Corner Form’ format, up to two lines (2 Box 14 items) can be printed.
  • If more than two Box 14 items are required for one employee, subsequent W2 forms are generated.
  • Each Box 14 entry is associated with a W2 description which will be printed on Box 14 along with the associated amount. Examples of W2 descriptions are: UNDUE, MV EXP, HLT INS, EDUC, etc.).
  • For an explanation of each description usage, please refer to instructions for Form W2 Box 14.
  • When the value of the content field is greater than zero, the W2 Description and the value of content is printed.
  • If the school district tax has been withheld for an employee, the school district tax information will be printed in Box 14 prior to printing other Box 14 information.
  • Each school district will be printed on one separate W2 Form Box 14 as follows:
    • SCHL 02307 WAGE: 1484.00 - SCHL 02307 TAX: 14.84
  • The IDFDV W2-SCHL-TAX entry should define an element that contains all the school district tax pay components, such as PC 6923 CITY Home School Tax, PC 6903 CITY Work School Tax, PC 6823 CNTY Home School Tax, PC 6803 CNTY Work School Tax
  • The IDFDV W2-SCHL-WAGE entry should define an element that contains all the school district wages pay components, such as PC 6907 CITY Work School Earns, PC 6827 CNTY Home School Earns, PC 6807 CNTY Work School Earns, PC 6927 CITY Home School Earns

Box 15 - Name of State#

Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
  • The W2 Print Programs will print the proper STATE_PROVINCE_CODE according to YTD State information

Employer's State I.D. Number

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
  • The W2 Print Programs will print the GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER of the proper STATE_PROVINCE_CODE according to YTD State information.
  • IDGV must have the ‘State Registration’ defined in order for the State to be reported.

Box 16 - State Wages, Tips, etc.#

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
  • These are the taxable earnings that are applicable for the State income tax withheld.
  • If an element that derives the State wages, such as Regular Earnings, O/T earnings etc., is defined, the element should contain all taxable earnings, less exemptions such as 401K, 125 plans etc.
  • If an element from State Earning Pay Components after Symmetry calculation is defined, this element should contain the State Earnings Pay Component and the State Supplemental Earnings Pay Component, if these pay components are defined.
  • Symmetry State tax calculation differentiates State wages by Work State wage and Residence State wage.
  • W2 only requires the reporting of State wages by the State, regardless if they are from Work or Residence state.
  • The system will retrieve the correct Work State wages according to the YTD WORK GEO code and the correct Residence State wages according to the YTD RES GEO code and reports these as State wages only.
    • The IDFDV W2-ST-WAGE-WORK Field Identifier is defined to set up the WORK State wage information. This should include all State wages pay components that are applicable to the Work State Tax calculation, such as PC 6301 Work State Earnings and PC 6302 Work State Supplemental Earnings.
    • IDFDV W2-ST-WAGE-HOME Field Identifier is used to set up the Residence State wage information. This should include all State Wages pay components that are applicable to Residence State Tax calculation, such as PC 6401 Home State Earnings and PC 6402 Home State Supplemental Earnings.
  • If the State tax has never been withheld according to Residence State, then the IDFDV W2-ST-WAGE-HOME Identifier does not need to be set up. The W2-ST-WAGE-HOME Identifier is optional and will be used only when an employee has Residence State tax applicable to the State.

Box 17 - State Income Tax#

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
7040 W2-ST-TAX-HOMEW2-BOX-17-H
7050 W2-ST-TAX-WORKW2-BOX-17-W
  • If an element from State Tax Pay Components is defined after the Symmetry calculation, this element should contain the State Tax Pay Component, State Supplemental Tax Pay Component and State Additional Tax Pay Component, if these pay components are defined.
  • Symmetry State tax calculation differentiates State taxes withheld by the Work State tax and the Residence State tax.
  • W2 only requires to report State tax by State, regardless if it is from Work or Residence State.
  • The system will retrieve the proper work state tax according to the YTD WORK GEO code and the correct Residence State tax according to the YTD RES GEO code and report these as State tax only.
    • IDFDV W2-ST-TAX-WORK Field Identifier is used to set up the WORK State tax information. This should include all State tax pay components that are applicable to Work State Tax calculation, such as PC 6311 Work State Tax, PC 6312 Work State Supplemental Tax and 6313 Work State Additional Tax.
    • IDFDV W2-ST-TAX-HOME Field Identifier is used to set up the Residence State tax information. This should include all State Tax pay components that are applicable to Residence State Tax calculation, such as PC 6411 Home State Tax, PC 6412 Home State Supplemental Tax and 6413 Home State Additional Tax
  • If the State tax has never been withheld according to the Residence State, then the IDFDV W2-ST-TAX-HOME Identifier does not need to be set up. The W2-ST-TAX-HOME Identifier is optional and will be used only when an employee has Residence State tax applicable to the state.

Box 18 - Local wages, Tips, etc.#

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
  • These are the taxable earnings applicable for County or City tax withheld.
  • If an element is defined that derives the County or City wages, such as Regular Earnings, O/T earnings, etc., the element should contain all taxable earnings, less exemptions, such as 401K, 125 plans etc.
  • Symmetry County or City tax calculation differentiates wages by the Work Local wage and the Residence Local wage.
  • W2 only requires to report Local wages by Local name, regardless if it is from the Work or Residence local.
  • The system will retrieve the correct Work Local wages according to the YTD WORK GEO code and the correct Residence Local wages according to the YTD RES GEO code and report these as Local wages only.
    • IDFDV W2-CI-WAGE-WORK Field Identifier is used to set up the WORK City wage information. This should include all City Wages pay components that are applicable to Work City Tax calculation, such as PC 6905 Work City Earnings and PC 6906 Work City Supplemental Earnings.
    • IDFDV W2-CN-WAGE-WORK Field Identifier is used to set up the WORK County wage information. This should include all County Wages pay components that are applicable to Work County Tax calculation, such as PC 6805 Work County Earnings and PC 6806 Work County Supplemental Earnings.
    • IDFDV W2-CI-WAGE-HOME Field Identifier is used to set up the Residence City wage information. This should include all City Wages pay components that are applicable to Residence City Tax calculation, such as PC 6925 Residence City Earnings and PC 6926 Residence City Supplemental Earnings.
    • IDFDV W2-CN-WAGE-HOME Field Identifier is used to set up the Residence County wage information. This should include all County Wages pay components that are applicable to Residence County Tax calculation, such as PC 6825 Residence County Earnings and PC 6826 Residence County Supplemental Earnings.

Box 19 - Local Income Tax#

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
  • Symmetry County or City tax calculation differentiates City/County tax by the Work Local tax and the Residence Local tax.
  • W2 only requires to report Local income tax by Local name, regardless if it is from the Work or the Residence Local.
  • The system will retrieve the correct Work Local tax according to the YTD WORK GEO code and the proper residence local tax according to the YTD RES GEO code and report these as Local income tax only.
    • IDFDV W2-CI-TAX -WORK is used to set up the WORK City tax information. This should include all City tax pay components that are applicable to Work City Tax calculation, such as PC 6901 Work City Tax and PC 6902 Work City Supplemental Tax.
    • IDFDV W2-CN-TAX -WORK Field Identifier is used to set up the WORK County tax information. This should include all County tax pay components that are applicable to Work County Tax calculation, such as PC 6801 Work County Tax and PC 6802 Work County Supplemental Tax.
    • IDFDV W2-CI-TAX -HOME Field Identifier is used to set up the Residence City tax information. This should include all City tax pay components that are applicable to Residence City Tax calculation, such as PC 6921 Residence City Tax and PC 6922 Residence City Supplemental Tax.
    • IDFDV W2-CN-TAX -HOME Field Identifier is used to set up the Residence County tax information. This should include all County tax pay components that are applicable to Residence County Tax calculation, such as PC 6821 Residence County Tax and PC 6822 Residence County Supplemental Tax.

For California SDI reporting, there are two options to print on W2 forms:

  1. For California: if IDFDV W2-SDI-TAX-EE Identifier Seq 7260 is greater than, Box 19 will print the employee SDI contribution and Box 20 will print the description ‘CASDI’. This option is only available for the ORACLE Version (RPW2) of the W2 forms.
  2. For California: if IDFDV W2-SDI-TAX-EE Identifier Seq 7260 is not defined, users can set up Box 14 to print ‘CASDI’ and the SDI amount.

Box 20 - Locality Name#

SEQ #Field IdentifierSuggested Field Variable
  • The W2 Print Programs will print the correct DTX.JURISDICTION_NAME according to YTD GEO information.
  • If County tax is reported, the County name is retrieved from IDCN with GEO code = ‘xx-xxx-0000’. Example: In Indiana, GEO code 15-097-0670 is for the city of Indianapolis, use County Code 15-097-0000 to retrieve the County name of Marion for reporting.
  • If the City tax is reported, the City name is retrieved from IDTX with the GEO code.
  • On IDGV the ‘Local Registration’ for a County or City must be defined in order for the County or City tax to be reported.