The View Logins By User function (VMLIU) allows you to view all the session audit records tied to a specific user within the system.

The definition data for the View Logins By User screen is stored in the P2K_AM_SESSION_AUDITS table.

Date/Time of Log In
This field identifies when a login for the user occurred.
Date/Time of Log Out
This field identifies when the session for the user ended.
Session Source
This field identifies which user interface the person was using to access Personality from such as Self Service (ESS), Smart Phone, or Admin UI.
Employee #
This field shows the person code of the employee looking in through Self Service, the Candidate Code if the login was via Self Service (CSS), or the person code the User is tied to if logging in to the Admin UI.
Connection Detail
This field shows information about the Server the login was through, the client IP address, browser information, and database connection ids given at the time.

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