The Pension Evaluation Interface File screen is used to import pension evaluations into the software data structures.

Pension Evaluation Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_PNEVALUATIONS table.

This field identifies the pension evaluation record within the data base.
Pension Plan
This field displays the pension plan associated with the evaluation.
PN Option
This field provides the pension option associated with the evaluation.
This field displays the entity associated with the evaluation.
PN Account
The pension account associated with the evaluation is displayed in this field.
Person Code
This field displays the person associated with the evaluation.
Evaluated On
This field allows you to choose the date from which the evaluation will be made.
The Category field indicates the category of evaluation being generated.
Evaluation Status
This field shows the status of the pension option.
Date of Proposed Retirement
This field allows you to indicate the date of retirement for this employee, if applicable.
Date of Proposed Term
This field allows you to indicate the date of termination for this employee, if applicable.
This field indicates if the option is a paying benefit.
This field will display the value attached to this pension component for the evaluation.
PN Component
This field will display the pension associated with this evaluation.
O/R Value
This field shows the override value for this pension component.
Audit Info
This field will display the audit trail associated with this pension component.

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