Instead of using the Leave Accrual form, users may wish to view all of the leave policies that an employee has ‘as of’ a specific date. ‘View Leave Balances’ Highlights ‘View Leave Balances’ may be found through the menu bar: The form may also be accessed through the command window with ‘VALB’. ‘View Leave Balances’ Usage and Examples All information is from the Leave Accrual and Leave Line form. As of Date View Only Leave Policy If this toggle is turned ON, then only the Leave Policy Types indicated on the Leave Schedule for this employee will be displayed. If this toggle remains OFF, all Leave Policy Types will be displayed. Leave Policy Type User-defined code to indicate the Leave Type Leave Policy Code The Leave Policy for which the Accrual record is being kept. Accrual Basis If the Value indicated in the previous field is time based then the Basis being used will be indicated. Prior Carry Over Balance Accumulated total time from A900 and A050, on the Accrual form. Current Entitlement Time from A330, on the Accrual form Time Taken Time from A300, on the Accrual form Unaccrued Given Time from A290, on the Leave Line form, 'non-updated' lines up to the current date Unaccrued Taken Time from A300, on the Leave Line form, 'non-updated' lines up to the current date Time Available to Take Prior Carry Over Balance + Current Entitlement + Unaccrued Given – Time Taken – Unaccrued Taken Total Time Owing Prior Carry Over Balance + Current Entitlement + Unaccrued Given – Time Taken – Unaccrued Taken – Termination Payout (A760) Planned Leaves Time from A300, on the Leave Line form for any future dates. Not connected to a Pay Line.

VALB gets its numbers from information on the IALA (and IAAL) screens as follows:

(A) Prior Balance = A900 + A050 (on IALA – official)

(B) Earned (Capped) = A330 (on IALA – official)

(C) Taken = A300 (on IALA – official)

(D) Earned (Unoff) = sum of A290 (on IAAL – up to the current date – for non updated lines)

(E) Taken (Unoff) = sum of A300 (on IAAL – up to the current date – for non updated lines)

(F) Current Balance = (A) + (B) + (D) – (C) – (E)

(G) Total Time = (F) – A760 (on IALA – official)

(H) Planned Leaves = sum of A300 on IAAL – after the current date