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How to Define User Procedures#

The Define Procedure process allows you to link together two or more system functions to complete a task. This is known as a Procedure.

The procedure can take you through a sequence of the various screens and/or reports required to complete a task. A typical procedure would be anything that requires multiple record changes. Examples would be creating a new job or position, new hire(s), transfers, change of marital status, etc.

When you are finished entering date into a procedure screen, clicking ‘Next’ will commit the changes to the database and will navigate the user to the next sequential step in the procedure. Clicking ‘Finish’ will complete the procedure and will close it out.

If you want a change reason to ‘default’ on a certain form within the procedure, then you must add the change reason to that particular function definition. Currently, there is no way to mark a certain set of change reasons on a form, to be used only when the form is part of a procedure.

Required Set Up#

Step 1 - Maintain Functions IMFN#

User procedures are first defined on the Maintain Functions (IMFN) screen.

Step 2 - Define User Procedures IMPC#

The second step in creating the procedure is going to the Define User Procedures (IMPC) screen. The information entered for the function created in step 1 will be defaulted in the header portion of the screen.

Step 3 - Modify Form Definition IMFD#

Header Information
A dynamic header can be created for the procedure which will show the current subject when having a Find Block is impossible due to the fact that the user is creating new data, for example a New Hire procedure.

The header will be hidden on the first step of the procedure.

The header is based on the CONTEXT message of the subject table. Context messages are found in IMMS and are defined for a variety of tables. If the subject table was P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS, then the message with message_code ‘EEM_CONTEXT’ would provide the template for the header information.

insert screen print of IMFD

The preference is to have two kinds of procedures; all steps have find blocks or all steps use a header. However, this would be difficult to do for some screens. It is more aesthetically pleasing when the header doesn't change and resize between steps, adding consistency to the procedure. In short, users can mix steps, but they shouldn't abuse it; only mix headers and find blocks when necessary.

Users can define a procedure with a mix of steps with and without find blocks however the following should be adhered to:

Executing the Procedure#

1. In the Command line, enter in the procedure name. (i.e. NEW_HIRE)
2. The first screen will automatically be brought up