User Notes can be added now in Self Service application.

The green icon will be presented on the upper right corner of the screen. Once a User Note is defined on the form, the icon turns yellow.

The USER NOTES feature is designed in a such way that setup can be done to restrict certain users, like Employees cannot from accessing User Notes and other users, like Admin have access to User Notes.

User Notes are controlled by ‘Note Not Allowed’ toggle set in IMTD for a specific table.
- For example, ‘Note Not Allowed’ is OFF in IMTD for P2K_HR_IDENTITES table, meaning User Notes can be added there.

To implement this functionality, the Site/Role preferences ALLOW_USER_NOTES is setup


  • Set the Site preference value to Y or N in IMST


  • Set the preference value for a specific role in IMRO.
    • For example, the role = WWW_EMPLOYEE can have ALLOW_USER_NOTES set to ‘N’
  • If the preference value is set to ‘N’ for a specific role, no icon will be displayed in SS.
  • If no value is set for a specific role, then system is using the site preference value.
  • The preference can be modified in IMPF

How it works:#

  • In Self Service focus on a specific role (ie: Employee Self Service EMSS)
    • launch IEID screen and click on any field from Identity table. Based on the role preference setting, the User Notes will not be enabled (the User Notes icon is missing in the upper right corner)
  • Focus on Role=MANAGER and launch IEID screen
    • focus on any field from Identity table. Based on the role preference setting, the User Notes icon will be displayed.


Click to create a new notes page