Symmetry Supported Benefit Types#

Pre-defined Benefit Types#

The amounts calculated by some benefit plans may be used to adjust employee taxable wages. The amounts stored in the benefit deduction pay components need to be passed to the SymmetryTaxEngine so the system can determine the correct taxable wage for the employee for the various taxes.

UPCALC passes the benefit amounts to Symmetry via new PC Usages for what Symmetry calls ‘Benefit Types’. The SymmetryTaxEngine will use the value passed in these Benefit Types to reduce the taxable wage. The SymmetryTaxEngine knows per state which Benefit Types are pre-tax and which are post-tax.

There are no changes required to the benefit plans themselves, nor the benefit deduction pay components. There is just a need to define new pay components and elements. This document will review the new pay components needed.

The Symmetry Tax Engine (STE) supports nine pre-defined benefit types and ten custom benefit types which may affect taxable earnings.

The STE will determine the pretax status of the nine predefined benefit types for each of the taxes calculated.

The nine supported predefined benefit types are:

  • 125
  • 401K
  • 403b
  • 457
  • Roth401K
  • Roth403b
  • FSA
  • HSA
  • Simple IRA

These benefit types each have their own PC Usage as described below for federal and state level taxation.

Symmetry requires the current to date (CTD) value and the year to date (YTD) value to be passed to the SymmetryTaxEngine. If the benefit type has a maximum contribution limit (ie: 401ks) the tax engine will monitor the YTD to determine when the maximum contribution limit has been reached. The tax engine will NOT stop the benefit deduction from taking place, however; it will stop reducing the taxable wages if an Employee has reached the max limit.

If there are multiple benefit plans defined for the same benefit type and each have a different contribution limit, these must be separated out using the Custom benefit types. An example of this is FSA Medical and Dependent Care. The FSA Medical would be set up using the pre-determined FSA benefit type PC Usage, and the FSA Dependent Care would be set up using a custom benefit type PC Usage.

Federal Benefit Pay Component Usages#

PC UsageTax LevelSuggested ElementUsage DescriptionReleased in Version
7901FedUFWT125125 plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax

Mandatory if 125 is applicable

Pay Component must be set up

IPPC Store Results - optional
7902FedUFWT401K401K plan contributions exempt from Federal Withholding Tax4.10
7903FedUFWT403B403B plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7904FedUFWT457457 plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7905FedUFWTROTH401Roth 401K plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7906FedUFWTROTH403Roth 403B plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7907FedUFWTFSAFSA plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7908FedUFWTHSAHSA plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7909FedUFWTIRASimple IRA plan contributions exempt from Federal Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7921FedUFSP125125 plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax

Mandatory if 125 is applicable

Pay Component must be set up

IPPC Store Results - optional
7922FedUFSP401K401K plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7923FedUFSP403B403B plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7924FedUFSP457457 plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7925FedUFSPROTH401Roth 401K plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7926FedUFSPROTH403Roth 403B plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7927FedUFSPFSAFSA plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7928FedUFSPHSAHSA plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10
7929FedUFSPIRASimple IRA plan contributions exempt from Federal Supplemental Tax4.10

State Benefit Pay Component Usages#

PC UsageTax LevelSuggested ElementUsage DescriptionReleased in Version
7951StateUSTT125125 plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax

Mandatory if 125 is applicable

Pay Component must be set up

IPPC Store Results - optional
7952StateUSTT401K401K plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7953StateUSTT403B403B plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7954StateUSTT457457 plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7955StateUSTTROTH401Roth 401K plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7956StateUSTTROTH403Roth 403B plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7957StateUSTTFSAFSA plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7958StateUSTTHSAHSA plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7959StateUSTTIRASimple IRA plan contributions exempt from State Regular Withholding Tax4.10
7971StateUSTS125125 plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax

Mandatory if 125 is applicable

Pay Component must be set up

IPPC Store Results - optional
7972StateUSTS401K401K plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7973StateUSTS403B403B plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7974StateUSTS457457 plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7975StateUSTSROTH401Roth 401K plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7976StateUSTSROTH403Roth 403B plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7977StateUSTSFSAFSA plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7978StateUSTSHSAHSA plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10
7979StateUSTSIRASimple IRA plan contributions exempt from State Supplemental Tax4.10

Custom Benefit Types #

Custom Benefit Types#

If a client has benefit plans, other than the listed nine pre-defined benefit types, whose deductions affect employee taxable wages, the custom benefit types may be set up. You can define up to ten different custom benefit types.

You must configure the pretax criteria for Federal, State, Local level taxation on IPPC. (This may also be entered on IPCU by a PC Usage with the same pretax criteria of the defined pay component).

Custom benefit types may be:

  • Pension
  • PERS
  • Dependent Care
  • Group Term Life (GTL)

The IPPC element that made up the Benefit Pretax Amounts can be varied by state and will be described further on.

Custom Benefit Type Pay Component Usages#

PC UsageTax LevelSuggested ElementUsage DescriptionReleased in Version
7801Federal and StateTX-BEN-01User-defined Benefit contributions to be exempt from Regular Federal and State Withholding tax

If this is to be used, a pay component must be set up with this PC Usage

IPPC Store Results - optional

On the IPPC Header block, click 'Show User Fields' and specify the Pretax criteria

You can also enter the same Pretax criteria on the IPCU Pay Component block by clicking 'Show User Fields'
7802 TX-BEN-02Same as Usage 78014.10
7803 TX-BEN-03Same as Usage 78014.10
7804 TX-BEN-04Same as Usage 78014.10
7805 TX-BEN-05Same as Usage 78014.10
7806 TX-BEN-06Same as Usage 78014.10
7807 TX-BEN-07Same as Usage 78014.10
7808 TX-BEN-08Same as Usage 78014.10
7809 TX-BEN-09Same as Usage 78014.10
7810 TX-BEN-10Same as Usage 78014.10
7821Federal and StateTX-BENSUP-01

User Defined Benefit contributions to be exempt from Supplemental Federal and State Withholding tax

This usage works in conjunction with usage 7801 except this is for Suppl Earnings

IPPC Element (e.g. TX-BENSUP-01) are made up with list of Benefit pay components that are calculated based on Supplemental Earnings

If this usage is not set up, Usage 7801 amount will be prorated with the Regular and Supplemental Earnings to derive the Suppl Benefit amount

If this usage has an empty element (i.e. Element Amount = 0), then no proration between Reg / Sup Earnings
7822 TX-BENSUP-02Same as Usage 78214.10
7823 TX-BENSUP-03Same as Usage 78214.10
7824 TX-BENSUP-04Same as Usage 78214.10
7825 TX-BENSUP-05Same as Usage 78214.10
7826 TX-BENSUP-06Same as Usage 78214.10
7827 TX-BENSUP-07Same as Usage 78214.10
7828 TX-BENSUP-08Same as Usage 78214.10
7829 TX-BENSUP-09Same as Usage 78214.10
7830 TX-BENSUP-10Same as Usage 78214.10

Benefit PC Usages - Legacy User Set Up#

For Vertex L Series users, the following PC usages are used:

PC UsageTax LevelSuggested ElementUsage DescriptionReleased in VersionUsed by Symmetry
6053FedUFWT125125 plan contributions exempt from Federal Withholding Tax

Mandatory if 125 is applicable

A pay component must be set up.

IPPC Store Results - optional
6054FedUFWT401401K/403B plan contributions exempt from Federal Withholding TaxLegacyYes
6056FedUFSP125125 plan contributions exempt from Federal Withholding Tax on Supplemental payLegacyYes
6057FedUFSP401401K/403B plan contributions exempt from Federal Withholding Tax on Supplemental payLegacyYes
6653StateUSTT125125 plan contributions exempt from State Withholding Tax

Uses UFWT125 if this element does not exist
6654StateUSTT401401K/403B plan contributions exempt from State Withholding Tax

Uses UFWT401 if this element does not exist
6656StateUSTS125125 plan contributions exempt from State Withholding Tax on Supplemental payLegacyYes
6657StateUSTS401401K/403B plan contributions exempt from State Withholding Tax on Supplemental payLegacyYes

For Vertex users who are converting to Symmetry, it is advised to switch to using the new 7901 to7979 series or the 7801+ series, instead of the original Vertex PC list above.

If the Benefit PC Usage 7901 or 7902 is set up, this means the entire set of PC Usages 7901 to 7979 will replace PC Usages 6053 to 6657. UPCALC will ignore the old PC Usages 6053 to 6657 set up

It is advised that you switch to using the new Symmetry Benefit Types if your company offers a variety of the plan exemptions that were originally housed together in the 401k type element (ie: 401K & 457). This is advised since Symmetry requires the UPCALC to pass in the CTD and YTD value for each of the benefit types supported. If you continue to use the Vertex method and have an employee who has both a 401K and 457 for example, if the 401k element YTD reaches the annual contribution limit for 401K, the employee’s Federal and State earnings will no longer be reduced by the 401k and 457 amounts as the system will think the employee has reached the 401K annual limit when in fact he/she hasn’t

Benefit PC Usages - Symmetry User Set Up#

Federal Level - Nine Pre-defined Benefits#

At Federal level for the nine pre-defined Benefit types, Usages 7901 to 7909 (suggested Element UFWT125 to UFWTIRA) must be set up with a IPPC pay component for Regular Federal Withholding tax calculation if any of these PC usages are applicable.

For Supplemental Federal Withholding tax calculation, Usage 7921 to 7929 (suggested Element UFSP125 to UFSPIRA) may optionally be set up with IPPC pay component if these benefit amounts are based on list of pay components that are different than those elements in Usage 7901 to 7909.

If Supplemental Usage 7921 to 7929 are not set up with IPPC pay components, then the Benefit amounts from Regular Usage 7901 to 7909 will be prorated among Regular Earnings and Supplemental Earnings.

If Usage 7921 to 7929 are set up and the IPPC pay component is with an EMPTY element (or the Element value = 0), then the Benefit amounts from Usage 7901 to 7909 will NOT be prorated among Regular Earnings and Supplemental Earnings. This set up means the Supplemental Benefit exemptions are based on the Supplemental Element value, the Element value of zero means to suppress the benefit proration logic.

State Level - Nine Pre-defined Benefits#

At State level for the nine pre-defined Benefit types, Usages 7951 to 7959 (suggested Element USTT125 to USTTIRA) may be set up for Regular State Withholding tax calculation if any of these PC usages are applicable.

If State Usage 7951 to 7959 are not set up, then Federal Usage 7901 to 7909 will be used.

If State Supplemental Usage 7971 to 7979 are not set up, then Federal Supplemental Usage 7921 to 7929 will be used.

Same benefit proration logic applies to the State level benefit usage set up.

Pre-Defined Benefit Type Pay Component and Element Set Up#

IPCU PC Usages are supplied to users with the taxation software release.

For each applicable Benefit Type PC Usage (7801 – 7979), the user must define a Pay Component in IPPC. On IPPC for the new Benefit Type Pay Components, the user must also specify an Element. The element must contain all of the appropriate taxable benefit deduction pay components for that particular benefit type. These Elements are used for all employees by UPCALC for all States.

The SymmetryTaxEngine will determine which of the nine pre-defined benefit types are taxable for each level of taxation.

PC Usage 7902 Pre-FWT 401K Exemption, IPPC Element Name: ‘FWT 401K EXEMPT’

Custom Benefit Type PC & Element Set Up - For All States#

For the benefits that do not fall under the nine pre-defined by Symmetry clients may set up ‘custom’ benefit types. These are set up similar to the nine pre-defined types.

On IPPC a new Pay Component must be defined for each ‘custom’ Benefit Type needed. The Pay Component must specify an Element with the benefit deduction pay components for the custom benefit type being created. These Element names are used for all employees by UPCALC for all States.

PC Usage 7801 Pre-Reg Custom Benefit 01, IPPC Element Name: ‘PFRS PERS EX’

IPPE element ‘PFRS PERS EX’ includes all of the benefit deduction pay components which could affect an employee’s taxable wages

Custom Benefit Types - IPPC Pretax Criteria Override#

IPCU PC Usages are supplied to users with UPCALC software release.

For each applicable Custom Benefit Type PC Usage defined, the user MUST specify the Pre-tax criteria for each tax type. This is done using User Fields in IPPC. UPCALC will pass the values of these user fields onto the SymmetryTaxEngine so the taxable wages are adjusted appropriately.

If you wish to specify or override the Pretax criteria for this Benefit Type Pay Component, click the 'Show User Fields' icon.

Available User Fields to define the Pre-Tax Criteria are:

  • US Pre-Tax Federal Exemption
  • US Pre-Tax FICA Exemption
  • US Pre-Tax Medicare Exemption
  • US Pre-Tax State Exemption
  • US Pre-Tax SUI Exemption
  • US Pre-Tax SDI Exemption
  • US Pre-Tax Local Exemption

For the nine pre-defined benefit types, the SymmetryTaxEngine will adjust the taxable earnings appropriately for each level of taxation. However if any of the nine Pre-defined Benefit Types are defined with these user-defined Pre-Tax Criteria, this PC Usage is treated as a Custom Benefit Type, this Pre-Tax set up overrides the Pre-defined taxability of the benefit type.

For the ten Custom Benefit types, these Pretax criteria must be set up.

On the IPCU screen Pay Component block, you can click the 'Show User Fields' icon to edit the same Pretax criteria setup.

Custom Benefit Type Element - Varies by States#

Since not all States follow the same exemption rules for the various Custom Benefit Types, users have the ability to create state specific elements which have their own pre-tax criteria defined. If the user does business in multiple states which have differing exemption rules for these ‘custom’ benefit types, an additional element is required per state. The Pre-Tax Criteria User Fields available in IPPC are also available in IPPE, using these user fields the user can define the pre-tax criteria for each state.

The State specific element must be created with the same name as the generic element created in the previous section. The name must be concatenated with a hyphen and the State code as the suffix.

After the State specific Element is defined with the State code suffix, the user can define the Pre-Tax criteria on IPPE screen for this State Element using the User Fields. The IPPE Pre-Tax criteria set up overrides the IPPC Pre-tax criteria set up of each Benefit Type.

UPCALC will append the State Code with a hyphen to the generic Element name to retrieve the specific Element with the Pay Header ‘s Work State, if the Element does not exist for the Work State, then the IPPC generic Benefit Element name will be used

e.g. Using the previous example of PFRS PERS EX shown in the previous sections for Custom Benefit, New York has different exemption rules for Pension and PERS than New Jersey thus a state specific element is needed.

IPPE Generic Element Name: ‘PFRS PERS EX’
IPPE Specific State Element Name for New York: ‘PFRS PERS EX-NY’
IPPE Specific State Element Name for New Jersey: ‘PFRS PERS EX-NJ’

Custom Benefit Type Element – Amounts Vary by States#

Some States require different Benefit Amounts to be varied for some Benefit Types.

UPCALC provides capability to define different Benefit Element for each Benefit Type to be varied by State.

On IPPC for the Pay Component of the Benefit Usage, a generic Benefit Element name must be set up, this Element is used for all States. For States that have a different Benefit amount, set up a different Benefit Element name on IPPE screen that is made up from the generic Element Name concatenated with a hyphen and the State code as the suffix

IPPE Generic Element Name: ‘TX-BEN-01’
IPPE Specific State Element Name for New Jersey: ‘TX-BEN-01-NJ’
IPPE Specific State Element Name for New York: ‘TX-BEN-01-NY’

UPCALC will append the State Code with a hyphen to the generic Element name to retrieve the specific Element with the Pay Header ‘s Work State, if Element does not exist for the Work State, then IPPC generic Benefit Element name will be used

This functionality is applicable to all Benefit Types including the nine Pre-defined Benefit Types and ten custom Benefit Types.

Notes #

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