A Unit is a union, a bargaining unit or a business sector of the organization that has a common set of employment rules and options.

A unit normally has some kind of publication, such as a union contract, employee handbook, or policy and procedures manual outlining the employment rules applicable.

Units belong to an entity and own contract calendars, salary wage and premium schedules, and jobs. They may be used to determine benefit and leave schedules.

Units are subdivided into groups, which reflect policy variations within the unit. The job definitions, salary ranges, wage scales and steps, holiday calendar, benefit plan eligibility, attendance policies, work rules, and other policies are defined at the group level.

Unit details are date sensitive. This means that changes to information such as the unit description or the agreement dates may be tracked over time and a complete history of the unit can be retained.

Unit codes and names may be changed at any time and the effect of the changes will be seen immediately throughout the system. Typical organization units: Salaried, Hourly or Union ABC.

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