Saved Value | Displayed Value | Source of Data | Comments |
350001 | XML Begin Tag | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML Begin tag. You should enter the XML tag in the XML tag field. If XML tag is not specified, the field name is used as XML Tag. You should specify XML tag option. If XML tag option is not specified, this XML tag is an optional tag. | |
350002 | XML End Tag | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML End tag. Same logic as XML Begin tag. You should match XML End tag to XML Begin tag on IDIF definition | |
350003 | Constant Value | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a constant. You should enter the constant in Constant Value field. | |
350004 | System Date/Time | The system current Date and Time stamp with following Select: SELECT to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') You can use derivation expression SUBSTR to retrieve Date only or Time only | |
350005 | As Of Date | From the UEEF As Of Date parameter | |
350006 | Execution ID | From the UEEF Execution ID of the run | |
350007 | User Calc | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# will invoke a UserCalc. You should enter the UserCalc name in the Constant Value field, e.g. BE USERCALC Please read IDIF User Calc section. | |
350008 | Trial Run | From the P_TRIAL (Trial Run) parameter | The value of <<Y>> or <<N>> is always returned in P_TRIAL If NULL is entered, P_TRIAL is set to <<N>> |
350100 | Entity den_id (DEN)) | P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) is retrieved from employee's employment. | This field returns the DEN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DEN_ID e.g. To return the UDF 'COMPANY LICENCE' value from IDEN, use derivation expression: p2k_smgetudf ('P2K_CM_ ENTITIES', 'COMPANY LICENCE',~) |
350101 | Entity Code (DEN) | From P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) Entity Code | |
350102 | Standing (DEN) | From P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) Standing | |
350103 | G/L Company (DEN) | From P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) GL Company id to retrieve GL Company code | |
350110 | Effective (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) effective as of the UEEF As of Date parameter | |
350111 | Expiry (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350112 | Entity Name (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350113 | Legislation (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350114 | Language Code (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350115 | Currency (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350116 | DUNS Number (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350117 | WEB Address (DED) | From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) | |
350201 | Location Code (DLN) | P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) is retrieved from DED.DLN_ID | If the UEEF parameter 'Er Addr Location' is specified, then this location is used as the Employer Address |
350202 | Location Desc (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350203 | Font HTML (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350204 | Language Code (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350205 | Address 1 (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350206 | Address 2 (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350207 | Addr Ln2 + Locality (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | Location Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated |
350212 | Locality (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350213 | State Code (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350214 | Country Code (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350215 | Zip Postal (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350216 | State+Cntry+Zip (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | Location State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated |
350220 | Mail Address 1 (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | If Mailing address does not exist, the primary address will be used |
350221 | Mail Address 2 (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350222 | Mail Ln2 + Locality (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | Location Mailing Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated |
350223 | Mail City (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350224 | Mail State Province (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350225 | Mail Country Code (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350226 | Mail Zip Postal (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350227 | Mail State+Cntry+Postal(DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | Location Mailing Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated |
350237 | Phone Number (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350238 | Phone Number Ext (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350239 | Alt Phone Number (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350240 | Alt Phone Number Ext (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350241 | Fax Number (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350242 | Email Address (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350243 | Bilingual Region (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350244 | Bilingual Location (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350245 | CMA Code (DLN) | From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) | |
350300 | Department ddp_id (DDP) | P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP) is retrieved from employee's prime assignment | This field returns the DDP_ID, user may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DDP_ID |
350301 | Department Code (DDP) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP) | |
350302 | Standing (DDP) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP) | |
350303 | Generic Code (DDP) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP) | |
350310 | Effective (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) effective as of the UEEF As of Date parameter | |
350311 | Expiry (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350312 | Department Name (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350313 | Distribution Mask (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350314 | Burden Percent (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350315 | Phone Number (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350316 | Phone Number Ext (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350317 | Fax Number (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350318 | Email Address (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350319 | EEOC Function (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350320 | Batch Code (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350321 | Office Code (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350322 | Burden Method (DDD) | From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) | |
350400 | Unit dun_id (DUN) | P2K_CM_UNITS (DUN) is retrieved from employee's prime assignment | This field returns the DUN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DUN_ID |
350401 | Unit Code (DUN) | From P2K_CM_UNITS (DUN) | |
350402 | Standing (DUN) | From P2K_CM_UNITS (DUN) | |
350410 | Effective (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) effective as of the UEEF As of Date parameter | |
350411 | Expiry (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350412 | Unit Status (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350413 | Unit Description (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350414 | Agreement Start Date (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350415 | Agreement End Date (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350416 | Unit Name (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350417 | Unit Local (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350418 | Unit Sub Local (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350419 | Unit Text (DUD) | From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) | |
350500 | Group dgr_id (DGR) | P2K_CM_GROUPS (DGR) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment DGR_ID | This field returns the DGR_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DGR_ID |
350501 | Group Code (DGR) | From P2K_CM_GROUPS (DGR) | |
350502 | Standing (DGR) | From P2K_CM_GROUPS (DGR) | |
350510 | Effective (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) effective as of the UEEF As of Date parameter | |
350511 | Expiry (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350512 | Group Description (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350513 | Group Type (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350514 | Pay Type (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350515 | Contract Type (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350516 | Employment Type (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350517 | Std Hours Per Day (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350518 | Std Hours Per Week (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350519 | Std Hours Per Pay (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350520 | Weeks Per Year (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350521 | Months Per Year (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350522 | Hourly Rounding (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350523 | Daily Rounding (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350524 | Use FTE Wages (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350525 | Accrual Method (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350526 | CDN EI Reduced Rate (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350527 | Pay By Check (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350528 | FLSA Factor (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350529 | FLSA Hours (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350530 | W2 Employment Type (DGD) | From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) | |
350601 | Payroll Code (PPA) | P2K_PR_PAYROLLS (PPA) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment group details | This field returns the Payroll code from PPA. |
350602 | Legislation (PPA) | From P2K_PR_PAYROLLS (PPA) | |
350603 | Description (PPA) | From P2K_PR_PAYROLLS (PPA) | |
350701 | Pay Calendar Code (PCL) | P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment group details Payroll code | This field returns the Pay Calendar code from PCL. |
350702 | Pay Frequency (PCL) | From P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL) | |
350703 | Weeks Per Pay (PCL) | From P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL) | |
350704 | Pay Calendar Desc (PCL) | From P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL) | |
350800 | Govt Regist Number (DGV) | P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment group details Federal Registration. | This field returns the Govt Regist Number from DGV. |
350801 | Govt Regist dgv_id (35) | From P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV) | |
350802 | Govt Regist Type (DGV) | From P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV) | |
350803 | Govt Regist Desc (DGV) | From P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV) | |
353100 | Person Code (EID) | P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) is retrieved for the employee. | This field returns the Person code. |
353101 | Person eid_id (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | Derivation expression to return other value that is related to EID_ID e.g. to return the UDF 'LICENCE' value from IEID, use derivation expression:p2k_smgetudf ('P2K_HR_IDENTITIES','LICENCE',~). |
353102 | S.S.N. (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353103 | First Name (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353104 | Middle Name (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353105 | Last Name (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353106 | Last, First, Middle (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | The employee's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle name e.g. Smith, Mary Beverley |
353107 | Last, First, Initial (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | The employee's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle Initial e.g. Smith, Mary B |
353108 | First, Middle, Last (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | The employee's name is returned as follows: First name + space + Middle name + space + Last name e.g. Mary Beverley Smith |
353109 | First, Initial, Last (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | The employee's name is returned as follows: First name + space + Middle Initial + space + Last name e.g. Mary B Smith |
353126 | Birth Date (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353127 | Gender (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353128 | Language Code (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353129 | Ethnic (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353130 | Salutation (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353131 | Rank (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353132 | Birth Place (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353133 | Challenged (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353134 | Veteran Status (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353135 | Photo Location (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353136 | Drivers License (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353137 | Alt Language Code (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353138 | Govt Code Origin (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353139 | User Code (EID) | From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | |
353200 | Personal eps_id (EPS) | P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) is retrieved for the employee, effective as of the UEEF As of Date parameter. | This field returns the EPS_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EPS_ID. |
353201 | Effective (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353202 | Expiry (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353203 | Change Code (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353204 | Address 1 (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353205 | Address 2 (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353206 | Addr Ln2 + Locality (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | Employee Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated. |
353207 | Locality (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353210 | State Prov Code (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353211 | Country Code (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353212 | Zip (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353213 | State+Cntry+Zip (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | Employee Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated. |
353214 | School District Code (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353215 | Tax Jurisdiction (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353220 | Mail Address 1 (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | If Mailing address does not exist, the Primary address will be used. |
353221 | Mail Address 2 (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353222 | Mail Adr 2 + Locality (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | Employee Mailing Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated |
353223 | Mail Locality (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353224 | Mail State Prov (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353225 | Mail Country Code (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353226 | Mail Zip (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353227 | Mail State+Cntry+Zip (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | Employee Mailing Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated. |
353238 | Phone Unlisted (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353239 | Phone Number (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353240 | Alt Phone Number (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353241 | Cellular Number (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353242 | Fax Number (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353243 | Email Address (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353244 | Marital Status (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353245 | Married Date (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353246 | Number Dependents (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353247 | Years Education (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353248 | Transportation (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353249 | Bonded Status (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353250 | Citizen Status (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353251 | Citizenship Country (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353252 | Foreign Code (EPS) | From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) | |
353300 | Employment eem_id (EEM) | P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) is retrieved for the employee | This field returns the EEM_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EEM_ID. |
353301 | Employment Type (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353302 | Hire Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353303 | Hire Sequence (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353304 | Original Hire Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353305 | Seniority Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353306 | First Work Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353307 | Last Work Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353308 | Termination Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353309 | Termination Code (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353310 | Roe Status (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353311 | Roe Issued Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353312 | Roe Letter (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353313 | Roe Comments (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353314 | Rehire Status (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353315 | Expected Return Date (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353316 | Income Guarantee (EEM) | From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | |
353380 | Term Description (DTR) | P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR) is retrieved from the employee's Employment | This field returns the Termination description. |
353381 | Govt Term Code (DTR) | From P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR) | |
353382 | ROE Letter (DTR) | From P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR) | |
353383 | Employment Status (DTR) | From P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR) | |
353384 | Term Code (DTR) | From P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR) | |
353390 | Pay Frequency (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Pay Frequency | For UPROEF only, please read Web ROE doc for detail |
353391 | First day worked (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal First day worked | |
353392 | Last day paid (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Last day paid | |
353393 | Final period end (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Final period end | |
353394 | Reason issue (ROE) | From IEEI UDF 'ROE REASON CODE' if specified, otherwise from IEEI TERMINATION_CODE ROE_LETTER | When employee is terminated, the IEEI EMPLOYMENT specifies a Termination Reason. The 'Termination Reason' is defined on IDTR screen with an ROE_LETTER. Used by UPROEF |
353395 | ROE process meth (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Process method | |
353396 | ROE Comment line 1 (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Comment line 1 | |
353397 | ROE Comment line 2 (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Comment line 2 | |
353398 | ROE Comment line 3 (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Comment line 3 | |
353399 | ROE Comment line 4 (ROE) | From UPROEF program internal Comment line 4 | |
353400 | Assignment eas_id (EAS) | P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) is retrieved for the employee's Primary assignment | This field returns the EAS_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EAS_ID |
353401 | Assignment Code (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353402 | Assignment Type (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353403 | Assignment Status (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353404 | Assignment Start Date (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353405 | Assignment End Date (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353406 | Prime Assignment (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353407 | Description (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353408 | Next Review Date (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353409 | Ts Seniority Date (EAS) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) | |
353500 | Assignment easd_id (EASD) | P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) is retrieved for the employee's Primary assignment effective as of the As of Date parameter | This field returns the, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EASD_ID. |
353501 | Effective (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353502 | Expiry (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353503 | Change Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353504 | Employment Status Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353505 | Position Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353506 | Job Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353507 | Department Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353508 | Unit Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353509 | Group Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353510 | Location Work In (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353511 | Location Paydest (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353512 | Authorization Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353513 | Tax Jurisdiction (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353514 | Work Calendar (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353515 | Work Rule (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353516 | Supervised By (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353517 | Replaced By (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353518 | Job Profile (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353519 | Range Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353520 | Scale Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353521 | Step Code (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353522 | Fte (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353523 | Assignment Title (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353524 | Hours Per Day (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353525 | Hours Per Week (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353526 | Hours Per Pay (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353527 | Wage Rate (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353528 | Rate Basis (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353529 | Use Fte Wages (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353530 | Out Of Range (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353531 | Scale Overridden (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353532 | Periods Elected (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353533 | Pay Starting Date (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353534 | Contract Days (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353535 | Contract Limit (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353536 | Job Seniority Date (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353537 | Service Rating (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353538 | Responsibility Level (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353539 | Work Type (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353540 | WC Class (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353541 | Phone Number (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353542 | Phone Extension (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353543 | Email Address (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353544 | Leave Date (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353545 | Leave Reason (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353546 | Leave Return Date (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353547 | Trigger Retro (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353548 | Provide Public Sve (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353549 | Provide Internal Sve (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353550 | Supervisory (EASD) | From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | |
353551 | Job Class Lex Value | If the Entity Detail (DED) legislation is for US, P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) is retrieved for the employee's Employment effective as of the As of Date parameter | |
353602 | Effective (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353603 | Expiry (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353604 | Change Code (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353605 | Ufed Filing Status (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353606 | Ufed Num Exemptions (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353607 | Ufed Ann Exemption (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353608 | Ufed Add Exemption (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353609 | Ufed Add Tax Per Prd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353610 | Ufed Tax Amount (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353611 | Ufed Tax Percent (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353612 | Ufed Tax Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353613 | Ufed Suppl Tax Mthd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353614 | Ufed Fica Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353615 | Ufed Medicare Mthd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353616 | Ufed Futa Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353617 | Ufed Eic Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353618 | Ust Reciprocation (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353619 | Ust Filing Status (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353620 | Ust Num Exemption 1 (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353621 | Ust Num Exemption 2 (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353622 | Ust Ann Exemption (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353623 | Ust Add Exemption (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353624 | Ust Add Tax Per Prd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353625 | Ust Add Tax Res (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353626 | Ust Add Tax Work (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353627 | Ust Tax Amount (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353628 | Ust Tax Percent (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353629 | Ust Tax Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353630 | Ust Suppl Tax Mthd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353631 | Ust Alt Tax Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353632 | Ust Sui Ee Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353633 | Ust Sui Er Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353634 | Ust Sdi Ee Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353635 | Ust Sdi Er Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353636 | Ust WC Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353637 | Uloc Reciprocation (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353638 | Uloc Filing Status (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353639 | Uloc Num Exemptions (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353640 | Uloc Ann Exemption (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353641 | Uloc Exempt Percent (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353642 | Uloc Add Tax Per Prd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353643 | Uloc Add Tax Work (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353644 | Uloc Add Tax Res (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353645 | Uloc Tax Amount (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353646 | Uloc Tax Percent 1 (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353647 | Uloc Tax Percent 2 (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353648 | Uloc County Tax Mthd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353649 | Uloc City Tax Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353650 | Uloc School Tax Mthd (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353651 | Uloc School Tax Amt (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353652 | Uloc School Tax % (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353653 | Uloc Head Tax Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353654 | Uloc Head Tax Amount (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353655 | Ust Eic Method (PPRU) | From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) | |
353701 | Effective (PPRC) | if the Entity Detail (DED) legislation is for Canada, P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) is retrieved for the employee's Employment effective as of the As of Date parameter | |
353702 | Expiry (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353703 | Change Code (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353704 | Cfed Td1 Amount (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353705 | Cfed Ann Tax Credit (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353706 | Cfed Ann Tax Deduct (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353707 | Cfed Ann Area Deduct (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353708 | Cfed Tax Amount (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353709 | Cfed Tax Percent (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353710 | Cfed Add Tax Per Prd (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353711 | Cfed Filing Status (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353712 | Cfed Tax Method (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353713 | Cfed Cpp Method (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353714 | Cfed Ei Method (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353715 | Cfed Labour Fund (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353716 | Cprv Claim Amount (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353717 | Cprv Num Dependents (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353718 | Cprv Ann Tax Deduct (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353719 | Cprv Tax Amount (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353720 | Cprv Tax Percent (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353721 | Cprv Add Tax Per Prd (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353722 | Cprv Filing Status (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353723 | Cprv Tax Method (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353724 | Cprv Qpp Method (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353725 | Cprv Health Tax Mthd (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353726 | Cprv WC Method (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353727 | Fed Tax Claim Type (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353728 | Fed Tax Claim Code (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353729 | Prov Tax Claim Type (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353730 | Prov Tax Claim Code (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353731 | Cprv Ann Tax Credit (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353732 | Cprv Ann Area Deduct (PPRC) | From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) | |
353801 | Contacts ect_id (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | If the Interface Level parameter = '02 - EEM + EASD + Contacts', P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) is retrieved for the employee's Identity (EID). If the Interface Level parameter = '04 - BE Plans + Contacts', P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) is retrieved for the employee's Benefit Recipients (BBR) of the Benefit Enrollment (BEN) of the Employments (EEM) |
353802 | First_name (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353803 | Middle_name (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353804 | Last_name (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353805 | Last, First, Middle (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | The contact's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle name e.g. Smith, Mary Beverley |
353806 | Last, First, Initial (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | The contact's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle Initial e.g. Smith, Mary B |
353807 | First, Middle, Last (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | The contact's name is returned as follows: First name + space + Middle name + space + Last name e.g. Mary Beverley Smith |
353808 | Gender (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353809 | Relation (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353810 | S.S.N. (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353811 | Birth_date (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353812 | Language_code (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353813 | Salutation (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353814 | Rank (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353815 | Employer (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353816 | Contact_title (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353817 | Address_line_1 (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353818 | Address_line_2 (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353819 | Addr Ln2 + City (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | Contact's Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated. |
353820 | City (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353821 | State Code (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353822 | Country Code (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353823 | Zip Code (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353824 | State+Cntry+Zip (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | Contact's Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated. |
353825 | Mail_address_line_1 (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | If Mailing address does not exist, the primary address will be used. |
353826 | Mail_address_line_2 (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353827 | Mail Ln2 + City (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | Contact's Mailing Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated |
353828 | Mail City (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353829 | Mail State (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353830 | Mail Country Code (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353831 | Mail Zip Code (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353832 | Mail State+Cntry+Zip (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | Contact's Mailing Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated |
353833 | Phone_number (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353834 | Phone_extension (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353835 | Alt_phone_number (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353836 | Alt_phone_extn (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353837 | Cellular_number (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353838 | Fax_number (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353839 | Email_address (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353840 | Security_level (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353841 | Private_item (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353842 | Web_address (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353843 | Govt_code_origin (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353844 | Contacts eid_id (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
353845 | Contacts mus_id (ECT) | From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) | |
355001 | Enrollment id (BEN) | P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN) | If the Interface Level parameter = '03 - BE Plans' or '04 - BE Plans + Contacts', P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN)is retrieved for the user specified Benefit Plan codes and Benefit Plan types of the report's parameter. Tthis field returns the BEN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BEN_ID. |
355002 | Enroll Detail id (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) for BEN effective as of the As of Date parameter | This field returns the BEND_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BEND_ID. |
355003 | Effective (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355004 | Expiry (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355005 | Unofficial (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355006 | Enrollment_status (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355007 | Participation_rule (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355008 | Coverage_step_code (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355009 | Description (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355010 | Elig_start_date (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355011 | Elig_end_date (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355012 | Prem_start_date (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355013 | Prem_end_date (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355014 | Plan_reg_number (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355015 | Evidence_of_ins (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355016 | Percentage (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355020 | Freq pfq_id (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355021 | Change reason dcr_id (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355022 | Covg bcg_id (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355023 | Orig bend_id (BEND) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) | |
355101 | Plan Type id (BPT) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN), it links to the P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) which links to P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT) | This field returns the BPT_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BPT_ID. |
355102 | Plan_type_code (BPT) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT) | |
355103 | Description (BPT) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT) | |
355104 | Calc_sequence (BPT) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT) | |
355201 | Plan Defn id (BPN) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN), it links to the P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | This field returns the BPN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BPN_ID. |
355202 | Plan_code (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355203 | Description (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355204 | Plan_access_code (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355205 | Established_date (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355206 | Participation_rule (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355207 | Policy_number (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355208 | Calc_sequence (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355209 | Plan_remit_seq (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355210 | Track_decline (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355211 | Last_remit_date (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355212 | Remit_by_state (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355213 | Remit_by_un_grp (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355214 | Remit_date_rule (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355215 | Remit_asof_day (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355216 | Print_zero_rule (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS(BPN) | |
355217 | Print_all_waivers (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355218 | Not_scheduled (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355219 | Plan_end_date (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355220 | Approval_required (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355221 | Plan den_id (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355222 | Plan dcl_id (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355223 | Plan brm_id (BPN) | From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | |
355301 | Coverage id (BCG) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) for this employee for this benefit plan, it links to the P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) to indicate the coverage the employee has elected for the BE plan | This field returns the BCG_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BCG_ID. |
355302 | Coverage_code (BCG) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) | |
355303 | Covg_remit_seq (BCG) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) | |
355304 | Policy_number (BCG) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) | |
355305 | Contact_role (BCG) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) | |
355306 | Covg muc_id (BCG) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) | |
355401 | Covg Detail id (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) effective as of the As of Date parameter | |
355402 | Effective (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355403 | Expiry (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355404 | Remit_basis (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355405 | Rate_basis (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355406 | Description (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355407 | Covg Detail pfq_id (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355408 | Covg Detail dcr_id (BCGD) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) | |
355501 | Covg Rate id (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) for this employee for this benefit plan, it specifies the COVERAGE_STEP_CODE to indicate the coverage step the employee has elected for the BE plan. P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) is retrieved for the BEND Benefit Coverage Detail and COVERAGE_STEP_CODE. | This field returns the BCGR_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BCGR_ID. |
355502 | Covg_step_code (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355503 | Description (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355504 | Up_to_limit (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355505 | Next_step_code (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355506 | Flex_amount (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355507 | Premium1_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355508 | Premium2_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355509 | EE_deduct_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355510 | ER_contrib_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355511 | Taxben_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355512 | User1_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355513 | User2_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355514 | User3_rate (BCGR) | From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) | |
355601 | Ben Recip id (BBR) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) | If the Interface Level parameter = '04 - BE Plans + Contacts', the function (ie UEEF) will retrieve the Benefit Recipients P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) for the Benefit Enrollment (BEN) in order to retrieve the Benefit Contacts (ECT) information that links to Benefit Recipients. This field returns the BBR_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BBR_ID. |
355602 | Start_date (BBR) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) | |
355603 | End_date (BBR) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) | |
355604 | Benefit_percent (BBR) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) | |
355605 | Bond_participation (BBR) | From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) | |
356100 | PPH_ID (PPH) | ||
356101 | Pay Number (PPH) | ||
356102 | Tax Weeks (PPH) | ||
356103 | Pay Issue Date (PPH) | ||
356104 | PPP Start Date (PPH) | ||
356105 | First Pay in Issue Month | ||
356106 | Last Pay in Issue Month | ||
356200 | Pay Line ID (PPL) | ||
356201 | Pay Line Status (PPL) | ||
356202 | PL State Date (PPL) | ||
356203 | PL End Date (PPL) | ||
356204 | Time Entered (PPL) | ||
356205 | Time Basis (PPL) (35) | ||
356206 | PL Source (PPL) | ||
356207 | Retro Pay (PPL) | ||
356208 | First Date of PPL Date | ||
356209 | Last Date of PPL Date | ||
356210 | Affected Month (PPL) | ||
356220 | Nbr Pays in PPL Month | ||
356300 | PPLD_ID | ||
356301 | PL Detail status (PPLD) | ||
356302 | Wage Rate (PPLD) | ||
356303 | Wage Rate O/R (PPLD) | ||
356304 | Rate Basis (PPLD) | ||
356305 | Rate Basis O/R (PPLD) | ||
356306 | Amount (PPLD) | ||
356307 | Amount O/R (PPLD) | ||
356308 | Amount Processed (PPLD) | ||
356309 | Retro Amount (PPLD) | ||
356310 | PPC_ID (PPLD) | ||
356312 | PPC in Element-1 (Internal) | ||
356313 | PPC in Element-2 (Internal) | ||
358001 | Internal Table Desc1 | A temporary internal PL/SQL table is defined for the Generic Interface program. This PL/SQL table holds information for up to five columns. Each column has a description and an amount and each amount can be totaled. Depending on each business requirement, the program will load information into this PL/SQL table for internal purpose. (e.g. UPROEF uses this table to hold up to 52 Pay Periods in Desc1 column and the associated hours in Amount 1 column and earnings in Amount 2 column for each pay period.) This PL/SQL table is not used for UEEF. This variable name returns the internal PL/SQL Table Column 1 description. | |
358002 | Internal Table Desc2 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 2 description. | |
358003 | Internal Table Desc3 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 3 description. | |
358004 | Internal Table Desc4 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 4 description.. | |
358005 | Internal Table Desc5 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 5 description | |
358011 | Internal Table Amt 1 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 1 Amount. | |
358012 | Internal Table Amt 2 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 2 Amount. | |
358013 | Internal Table Amt 3 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 3 Amount. | |
358014 | Internal Table Amt 4 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 4 Amount. | |
358015 | Internal Table Amt 5 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 5 Amount. | |
358021 | Internal Total for Amt 1 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 1 Total Amount. | |
358022 | Internal Total for Amt 2 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 2 Total Amount. | |
358023 | Internal Total for Amt 3 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 3 Total Amount. | |
358024 | Internal Total for Amt 4 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 4 Total Amount. | |
358025 | Internal Total for Amt 5 | Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 5 Total Amount. | |
358030 | UDF (EID) (35) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) | You must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_HR_IDENTITIES and then enter the value on IEID screen. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field. |
358031 | UDF (EEM) (35) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) | You must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS and then enter the value on IEEI screen. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field. |
358032 | UDF (EASD) (35) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) | You must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS and then enter the value on IEAS screen Effective date sections. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field. |
358033 | UDF (BPN) (35) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) | You must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS and then enter the value on IBPN screen section. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field. |
358034 | UDF (EPS) (35) | ||
358035 | UDF (DED) (35) | ||
358036 | UDF (DDD) (35) | ||
358037 | UDF (DLN) (35) | ||
358038 | UDF (DUD) (35) | ||
358039 | UDF (DGD) (35) | ||
358040 | Element (PPH) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains an Element value for the current pay header that is loaded in program | On IDIF screen, you should enter the Element name in the Constant Value field. This is not supported in UBEF because pay header is not loaded for Employee Interface. |
358041 | Internal Element | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains an internal Element value that is loaded in program | On IDIF screen, you should enter the Element name in the Constant Value field. This is not supported in UBEF because Element value is not loaded for Employee Interface. A temporary internal PL/SQL table is defined for the program. The index of this PL/SQL table is made up from Rec#/Fld#, e.g. Rec#50 Fld# 60 index is 5060. The program must internally load values into this PL/SQL table by Rec#/Fld#. Then this field returns the value stored in this PL/SQL table by Rec#/Fld#. Depending on each business requirement, the program will load information into this PL/SQL table for internal purpose. |
358042 | Statistic Amt (IEST) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a Statistics value from P2K_HR_STATISTICS (EST) | You must define the Statistics Code on IDSC screen for P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS and then enter the value on IEST screen. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IDSC Statistics Code in the Constant Value field |
358043 | UDF (ECT) | ||
358044 | UDF (BEN) | ||
358045 | UDF (BEND) | ||
358051 | Internal Element+UDF(EEM) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains an internal Element value that is loaded in program | Value that is loaded in program. On IDIF screen, you should enter the Element name in the Constant Value field to be used for both the UDF (EEM) and the Internal Element. This is not supported in UBEF because Element value is not loaded for Employee Interface but this is supported in UPROEF. |
358061 | UDF(EEM)+Internal Element | Same as 358051 above. 358051 field returns the Element value, 358061 field returns the UDF(EEM) value. | This is not supported in UBEF because Element value is not loaded for Employee Interface. |
359000 | Record Count | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Record'and 'Detail Level n' records | This Record Count is available for Header and Trailer record. |
359001 | Total Record Count | Contains Record Count for all records in the interface file excluding the Header and Trailer Record. | This Record Count is available for Header and Trailer record. |
359002 | Total Employer Count | Not Supported | |
359003 | Total Value (35) | You should specify the Rec# and Field # to be totaled in IDIF Constant Value field (e.g. If Rec # 50 Field # 70 specifies the hours for each employee and need to be totaled for the Trailer record, then for Trailer record entry, you should specify 'Total Value' with Constant Value = 5070.) This Total Value is available for Header and Trailer records. | |
359004 | Detail Record Count (35) | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Record', available for Header and Trailer records | |
359005 | Detail Level 1 Count | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 1', available for Header and Trailer records | |
359006 | Detail Level 2 Count | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 2', available for Header and Trailer records | |
359007 | Detail Level 3 Count | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 3', available for Header and Trailer records | |
359008 | Detail Level 4 Count | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 4', available for Header and Trailer records | |
359009 | Detail Level 5 Count | Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 5', available for Header and Trailer records |
The starter script SEED_IDIF_HL$BE_ELIG_TOTAL.sql is provided to load in example of a fixed format interface file. You should use (Copy Definition) to copy into a different Interface code and then enter your own company data.
IDIF Field Descriptions:
Record Number | Interface File Records Generated |
0 | Qualify Records |
1 - 29 | Header Records |
30 - 69 | Detail Records |
70 - 99 | Trailer Records or Update Records |
00 - Not Specified | not applicable for this Interface type |
01 - Header Record | Generate Header records at begin of file |
10 - Employer Header | Not used for UEEF |
11 - Employer Summary | Not used for UEEF |
12 - Employer Header2 | Not used for UEEF |
13 - Employer Summary2 | Not used for UEEF |
14 - Employee Header | Generate Employee Header at the beginning of an employee (EEM) after the Qualify record |
15 - Employee Summary | Generate Employee Summary at the end of an employee (EEM) |
16 - Pay Header Begin | Not used for UEEF |
17 - Pay Header Summary | not used for UEEF |
20 - Detail Record | generate Employee Detail record |
21 - Detail Level 1 | Detail Level 1 to 5 hangs beneath the Employee Detail record and loops through BE plans or Contacts etc., depending on UEEF parameter Interface Level selection criteria |
22 - Detail Level 2 | |
23 - Detail Level 3 | |
24 - Detail Level 4 | |
25 - Detail Level 5 | |
30 - Detail Summary | Wraps up for Employee Detail record Mostly used for XML file xml end tag |
80 - Total Record | Not used |
90 - Trailer Record | Generate Trailer records at end of file May contain File totals, record counts etc |
91 - Qualify Record | Should be used for Record Number 0 The Qualify records are performed at the beginning of every Detail record to qualify employees User can use derivation expression to BYPASS certain criteria |
92-Update Record | Should be defined at the end of the IDIF definition In non-Trial mode, the UDF can be Inserted or Updated as defined in the Variable Name and Constant Value field User can use derivation expression to BYPASS certain criteria for update |
- lexicon values available from IMLN for X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME are: 32nnnn, 35nnnn
- this provides the full list of INF variables interchangeably for UPPHF, UEEF as long as the Database tables are being loaded according to the Interface Level parameter of the run
- the following example is an excerpt from UPPHF and the same processing logic is applicable to UEEF
Example: Record # 50, Field # 20 Requirement for Employee Row id or Unit id:
- if Pay Header Group User Defined Field (UDF) ‘PROJECT HOURS BY PERSON’ is ‘Y’, this means the employee is an ‘ADMIN’ employee, then if the Journal Entry is reporting for ‘Hours’, then use the Identities on the interface file field, otherwise, use the Unit on the field for all other situation
- from above IDIF set up, user should specify the Variable Name using ‘UDF (DGD)’ and enter the UDF name in Constant Value field, then the value of UDF will be returned and represented as in the derivation expression
- in derivation expression, enter:
where: [320803] - Journal Type (DGA), 01 – Financial Journal, 02 – Statistical Journal [320009] - Identity eid_id [350400] - Unit dun_id (DUN)
- this derivation expression means:
- decode the value of from UDF - if the value = ‘Y’, then - decode the value from [320803] Journal Type - if Journal Type = ‘02’ Statistical Journal, then - return [320009] Identify - otherwise - return [350400] Unit dun_id - otherwise - return [350400] Unit dun_id
Example: Record # 50, Field # 10 Requirement: Work Date or Pay Period
- if Pay Header Group User Defined Field (UDF) ‘PROJECT HOURS BY PERSON’ is ‘Y’, this means the employee is an ‘ADMIN’ employee, then use the Pay Period on the interface file field, otherwise use the GL Effective date on the interface file field
- from above IDIF set up, user should specify the Variable Name using ‘UDF (DGD)’ and enter the UDF name in Constant Value field, then the value of UDF will be returned and represented as in the derivation expression
- in derivation expression, enter:
decode(~,'Y',[320102],to_char(to_date([320756]),'DD/MM/YYYY')) where: [320102] - Pay Period [320756] - GL Eff Date (PJD)
- this derivation expression means:
- decode the value of from UDF - if the value = ‘Y’, then - return the value from [320102] Pay Period - otherwise - return the value from [320756] GL Effective date with the date format of ‘DD/MM/YYYY’
The Variable Name must equal 'UserCalc' and the UserCalc name must be specified in the Constant Value field.
The Field Type must be defined with Char, Number or Date, the UserCalc function on IMUC screen Return Value must match the values (Char, Number or Date) with the IMUC RET command to return the corresponding Char, Number or Date.
The data base tables available for UserCalc are:
On IDIF screen, Record Type '92-Update Record' should be defined at the end of the IDIF definition.
The Variable Name should contain the UDF (xxx) that is to be Updated or Inserted, e.g.'358043 - UDF (ECT) (35)'.
The Constant Value field should contain the Name of the UDF, e.g 'UEEF by BEN'. Please note that it will be up shifted.
If this UDF name does not exist on the IMUF screen, UEEF will create the UDF with this name on IMUF screen for the Data Base Table to be updated.
The Derivation Expression field should contain the expression that is evaluated to the value to be updated for the UDF.
The following Derivation Expression features can be used to derive the value to be updated:
When UEEF is run in non-trial mode, Record Type '92-Update Record' will be processed at the appropriate levels to check if the UDF should be updated for the associated Data Base tables.
From above example:
Using the Returned Value of the Derivation Expression, UEEF finds if the UDF already exists.
If the UDF exists and the new value is different than the existed UDF value, it will be updated; if the UDF does not exist, it will be inserted.
List of UDF supported in UEEF from X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME are:
After UDFs are updated or inserted in UEEF, the Number of Records Updated for each Data Base Table will be displayed on the UEEF report.
Note that these Number of UDF Updated represents the number of times the tables are being touched, these may not necessarily be the exact number of UDF for that Table, e.g. UDF (EEM) may be touched 2 times if an employee has 2 Contacts to update the same EEM but with a different Value
From the UEEF parameter 'Interface Level', the data base tables will be loaded accordingly:
Based on the value selected in the parameter 'Interface Level', the following information will be written to the interface file
Interface Level Value | Usage |
EEM + EASD | Primary assignment and related data base tables are loaded. This level will perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Record' for each primary assignment information, i.e. write one entry per employee |
EEM + EASD + Contacts | Primary assignment and related data base tables are loaded. This level will perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Record' for each primary assignment information, i.e. write one entry per employee. Then the Contacts information for this employee will be loaded and perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Level 1 to 5' for each Contact information, i.e. generate all contact entries for this employee |
BE Plans | Primary assignment and BE related data base tables are loaded. This level will perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Record' for each BE plan, i.e. write one entry per employee for each BE plan |
BE + Contacts | Primary assignment and BE related data base tables are loaded. This level will perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Record' for each BE plan, i.e. write one entry per employee for each BE plan. Then the Contacts information for this BE plan will be loaded and perform IDIF Record Type 'Detail Level 1 to 5' for each Contact information, i.e. generate all contact entries for this BE plan. |
BE + Pay Lines | Not supported in UEEF, used by UPNVPERS |
GAPERS/GATRS | Not supported in UEEF, used by UBEF |
Setting up logging on tables and columns should only be done by an administrator since this can have an impact on performance. Please refer to the Detailed Change Auditing document for instructions on how to configure this
In order for UEEF to extract changes only two new parameters have been added:
If you need to run an exception level 9 for additional trace, you need to supply a person code. If you do not do so, there will be a warning message in the report indicating that due to the volume of trace messages, the exception level is internally reset to 1 and that if you need to run with level 9, to enter an employee to be traced.
Report Parameters | |
Entity | Must enter one entity. (Mandatory) |
As Of Date | This date is used to retrieve employee information where a date is needed |
Sort By Active EEs | Check this toggle to sort inactive employees first |
Sort People By | You should sort employees by Last Name/First Name, however you may sort by employee's pay destination or sort by Person code. Lexicon X_PERSON_SORT values |
ER Address Location | Allows you to enter an overridden Location to retrieve the Employer Address.(Optional) |
Changed Since | This date field is used to filter the P2K_AM_CHANGE_LOGS table to only show data changed since this date. When this parameter is left blank, the interface process will not be filtered by the change logs |
Changed Tables | If a table is selected, the system will only look for changes that have occurred in the specified table. More than one table may be selected at a given time. If there is no table selected and if a changed 'Since' date has been supplied, the system will not export any rows. Tables that are currently supported are: P2K_HR_IDENTITIES, P2K_HR_PERSONALS, P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS, P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS, P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS, P2K_PR_PAYMENT_RULE_DETAILS, P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES |
Trial Run | Optional toggle to indicate if the UDFs are to be updated for the UEEF run. The value of 'Y' or 'N' is always returned in this parameter field. To run in non-Trial mode (Update mode), you should define IDIF Record Type '92-Update Record' to update UDFs |
Interface Format Code | Enter the Interface code from IDIF screen. (Mandatory) |
Interface Level | Specify the level for the Interface file to be produced. (Mandatory) Lexicon X_INTERFACE_LEVEL |
Directory Name | Enter a valid directory name |
File Name | Enter a file name or use the default file name from IDIF screen |
Write Append to File | Provides the option to write a file or append to an existing one. |
Exception Level | You should always run with Exception level unless for tracing. In Trace Level 1, the employee Header with Person Code and Employee Name are displayed with performance time, this can be used for Progress bar or to locate employee with problem. In Trace Level 2, the BE plans are displayed after employee header information |
Report Filters | |
People List | Please specify if People list is to be used. (Optional) |
Person | Enter one or more Person Codes. (Optional) |
Location | Enter one or more Location codes. (Optional) |
Auth Area | Enter one or more Authorization Areas. (Optional) |
Department | Enter one or more Department Codes. (Optional) |
Org Level Type | Enter one or more Org Level Types. (Optional) |
Org Level | Enter one or more Org Level within Org Level Types. (Optional) |
Unit | Enter one or more Unit codes. (Optional) |
Group | Enter one or more Group codes. (Optional) |
Payroll | Enter one or more Payroll codes. (Optional) |
Employment Status | Enter one or more Employment Statuses. (Optional) |
Termination Reason | Enter one or more Termination Reasons. (Optional) |
Plan Type | Applicable if Interface Level = 'BE plans' or 'BE + Contacts'. (Optional) |
Plan | Applicable if Interface Level = 'BE plans' or 'BE + Contacts'. (Optional) |
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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