User Calc Operators#

An operator denotes an action that is to be taken on the operands indicated. There are several different categories of operators:

Arithmetic Operators#

For arithmetic operations the following operators are available:

Rounding Operators#

After an arithmetic operation users may want to round the result using one of the following operators:

Conversion Operators#

Fields of one type may be converted to another with the following operators:

Date Operators#

Date Operators available are:

Relative Date Operators#

Relative Date Operators give the ability to return the value of a date relative to another date. For example, if a Benefit plan should begin collecting premiums 1 month after hire date, a Relative Date Operator might be used to find the date that is Hire Date + 1 month. The variable defined must be a date.

Operators available:

Comparison Operators #

Comparison Operators allow the UserCalc to compare two values.

The operators available:

Notes #

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