RDD - Round Down #

Round Down uses similar logic to Round Nearest, but rounds down to the last level specified in Operand 3


Operand 2Operand 3Result (stored in Operand 1)
1.10011 1 1
1.10011 0.001 1.100
1.1 0.5 1.0
1.0 0.5 1.0
1.9 0.5 1.5

As with RDN, it is acceptable to round down to the next .25, or any other amount such as to the next 2, 3, etc.

Round the value of PC 500 down to the nearest quarter hour and store it back into itself.

LineCMDOTOperand 1OPEROTOperand2OTOperand3If Goto Else GoTo
00010 LET PC 500 RDD PC 500 N .25 99999
99999 EXIT 99999

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