Washington Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Set Up#

This document contains abbreviated set up requirement for the state of Washington only, please refer to the general document (Tax Reporting - US General) for other setup procedure that may also be required.

IDGV - State Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
  • The IDGV Variables tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
  • 'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' - Must be ‘02’ to generate WA State magnetic media file for WA State only.

IDGV - State SUI Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up with 'State SUI Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
  • The IDGV Variables tab must be set up with 'State SUI Registration' for State/Province: Washington.
    • 'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' - Must be ‘02’ to generate UI wage magnetic media file for Washington.

State File Procedures#

  • Washington does not have state personal income tax.
  • The state of Washington Department of Labor accepts filing of Quarterly UI wages via magnetic media using the ICESA format.

State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting - ICESA File Format#

RPYEU must be run and the following selected to generate Washington state UI Wage file information:
Media Format:State SUI File Format
Select State:Washington, USA
  • The state of Washington must be selected in the 'Report List Filters'.
  • Annual Form Code - Use the standard supplied form code HL$US-W2-2017. The Variables need to be entered in this form code for specific use in the installation.
  • The 'Quarterly Form Code' must be entered in order to produce the UI wage file in ICESA format.
  • Use the supplied form code 'HL$US-QTR-2012'. The Variables need to be entered in this form code for specific use in the installation.
  • Period Type:Quarter
  • Period End Date:Enter the quarter end date, i.e. 30-Mar-2016
  • Media File Type:State SUI File Format

  • If the Directory Name/Media File Name is not supplied, an output file will not be produced.

Quarterly UI Wage Magnetic Media Reporting – ICESA format#

Please note that the following ‘Not Required’ fields may or may not always contain blanks. Note: Columns marked with WA indicates it is a Washington state specific requirement which is not the standard record format

Record Name: Code A - Transmitter Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘A’
2-5Payment YearEnter year for which this report is being prepared

From user specified FROM-TO period converted to YYYY
6-14Transmitter’s Federal EINEnter only numeric characters; omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier:‘TRAN EIN’ (seq 1010).
15-18Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
24-73Transmitter NameEnter the transmitter name of the organization submitting the file

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN NAME’ (seq 1030)
74-113Transmitter Street AddressEnter the street address of the organization submitting the file

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ADDRESS’ (seq 1040)
114-138Transmitter CityEnter the city of the organization submitting the file

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CITY’ (seq 1050)
139-140Transmitter StateEnter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN STATE’ (seq 1060)
154-158Transmitter ZIP CodeDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ZIP CODE’ (seq 1080)
159-163Transmitter ZIP Code extensionUse this field as necessary for the four digit extension of ZIP code

Includes a hyphen in position 159

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ZIP EXTN’ (seq 1070; include ‘-‘ in position 159)
164-193Transmitter ContactTitle of individual from transmitter organization responsible for the accuracy of the wage report

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CONTACT’(seq 1090)
194-203Transmitter Contact Telephone NumberDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CONTACT PHONE’ (seq 1100)
204-207Telephone Extension/BoxEnter transmitter telephone extension or message box

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CONTACT EXTN’ (seq 1110)
208-242 WABlank
243-250Media Creation DateEnter date in MMDDYYYY format

Derived from the System Date

Record Name: Code B - Authorization Record#

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘B’
2-5Payment YearEnter the year for which this report is being prepared
6-14Transmitter’s Federal EINEnter only numeric characters

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: BASIC EIN (seq 2010)
15-22ComputerEnter the manufacturer’s name

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘BASIC COMPUTER’ (seq 2020)
23-24Internal Label‘SL’, ‘NS’, ‘NL’, ‘AL’, or blank for diskette

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘BASIC INTERNAL LABEL’ (seq 2100, first 2 characters)
25-225 WABlank
226-275 WATransmitter contact email addressDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-EMAIL’ (seq 1280)

Record Name: Code E - Employer Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘E’
2-5Payment YearEnter the year for which the report is being prepared
6-14Federal EINEnter only numeric characters of the Federal EIN
24-73Employer NameEnter the first 50 positions of the employer’s name exactly as registered with the state UI agency

Derived from the Entity
74-113Employer Street AddressDerived from the Entity Location
114-138Employer CityDerived from the Entity Location
139-140Employer StateEnter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation of the employer’s address

Derived from the Entity Location
149-153ZIP code extensionEnter four digit extension of ZIP code, including the hyphen in position 149

Derived from the Entity Location
154-158ZIP codeDerived from the Entity Location.
159-166 WABlank
167-170Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
171-172State Identifier CodeEnter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the state to which wages are being reported

Numeric Code for Washington is ‘53’
173-187State Unemployment Insurance Account NumberDerived from the IDGV State SUI Registration
188-189Reporting Period‘03’, ‘06’, ‘09’, or ‘12’
190-190No Workers/No WagesEnter ‘0’ to indicate that the ‘E’ record will not be followed by the ‘S’ record

Enter ‘1’ to indicate otherwise
191-191 WABlank
192-201 WAAgent CodeBlank
202-255 WABlank
256-256Foreign IndicatorIf data in positions 74-158 is for a foreign address, enter the letter ‘X’, else leave it blank

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘FOREIGN ADDR INDICATOR’ (seq 3040)
258-269 WAOther EINEnter Blanks if no other EIN was used

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘OTHER EIN’ (seq 3060)

Record Name: Code S – Employee Wage Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘S’
2-10Social Security NumberEmployee’s social security number; if not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10
11-30Employee Last Name
31-42Employee First Name
43-43Employee Middle InitialLeave blank if no middle initial
44-45State CodeEnter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the state to which wages are being reported

Use ‘53’ for Washington state
50-63 WAEmployee’s Exercised Stock Options for this quarterDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier:Sequence 4180
64-77State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total WagesEnter quarterly wages subject to unemployment taxes

Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: 7200
78-91State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess WagesQuarterly wages in excess of the state UI taxable wage base
92-105State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable WagesState QTR UI total wages less state QTR UI excess wages
106-107 WAZero-hour Reason BlankA numeric code to be entered only when a wage is reported but the employee has zero hours
108-113Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) CodeA 6-digit numeric SOC code that corresponds to the employee’s occupation. This field should come from the IDJB table (for the employee’s Job Code) - Occupation Code (IDOC)
114-131 Blank
132-135 WANumber of Hours WorkedThe number of hours worked in the reporting period

Derived from IDFDV Field Sequence 3300
136-142 WABlank
143-146Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
147-161Employment Security Reference NumberEnter state UI employer account number

SUI Registration Number from IDGV
162-209 WABlank
210-210Officer CodeEnter ‘1’ for officers of the corporation, else enter ‘0’
211-211 WABlank
212-212Month-1 EmploymentEnter ‘1’ if employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month, else enter ‘0’
213-213Month-2 EmploymentEnter ‘1’ if employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month, else enter ‘0’
214-214Month-3 EmploymentEnter ‘1’ if employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month, else enter ‘0’
215-220Reporting Quarter and YearEnter the last month and year for the calendar period for which this report applies (i.e. 062008 for Apr-June 2008)

Record Name: Code T - Total Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘T’
2-8Total Number of EmployeesThe total number of ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
9-12Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
13-26 WATotal amount of exercised stock options for this employerDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: Sequence 4180
27-40State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total Wages for EmployerQTR wages subject to state unemployment taxes

Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
41-54State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages for employerQTR wages in excess of the state UI taxable wage base

Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
55-68State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages for employerQTR UI total wages less state QTR UI excess wages

Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
82-87 WAUI tax rate this quarterThe employer UI rate for this reporting period

Six digits with one assumed decimal point (e.g. 2.8%=’028000’)
88-100State QTR UI taxes due

UI taxes due

QTR state UI taxable wages times UI tax rate
101-111Previous Quarter(s) UnderpaymentState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
112-122InterestState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
123-133PenaltyState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
134-144Credit/OverpaymentState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
145-148 WAEmployment Administration Fund Tax RateRight Justify, Zero fill

Decimal point is assumed (e.g. 0.03%=0003)
149-159Employment Administration Fund Assessment AmountState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
160-163 WATotal Exempt Corporate OfficersState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
164-174Employee Assessment Amount

175-185Total Payment DueState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
186-196 WAAmount RemittedState Specific Data

If not used, enter zero
197-200 WAAdditional 4 Digit Decimal Position for Amount RemittedBlank
201-226 WABlank
227-233Month-1 Employment for employerTotal number of employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month

Total of all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record
234-240Month-2 EmploymentTotal number of employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month

Total of all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record
241-247Month-3 EmploymentTotal number of employee covered by UI worked or receive pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month

Total for all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record
248-267 WABlank
268-268 WAReason Code for entering Excess WagesConstant ‘0’

Record Name: Code F - Final Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘F’
2-11Total Number of Employees in FileEnter the total number of ‘S’ records in the entire file
12-21Total Number of Employers in FileEnter the total number of ‘E’ records in the entire file
22-25Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
26-40 WABlank
41-55Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Total Wages in FileQTR wages subject to state UI tax

Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file
56-70Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages in FileQTR wages in excess of the state UI taxable wage base

Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file
71-85Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages in FileState UI gross/total wage less quarterly state UI excess wages

Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file
86-100 WATotal Remittance Amount
101-139 WABlank
140-154 WATotal Amount Remitted for All Employers in This File
155-158 WATotal Amount Remitted Extension, Additional 4 Digit Decimal Position for Amount Remitted.


State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting – .CSV File Format#

UEEF must be run with the following report parameters defined to generate the Washington State Quarterly file information in the .CSV format.

As Of DateEnter the quarter end date, such as 30-Jun-20YY
Interface Format CodeUse the annual supplied form code, such as 'HL$US-QTR-WA-20YY'. The 'Variables' need to be entered on this form code for specific use in the installation.
Directory Name Mandatory. Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file. Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
Media File NameMandatory. Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded. Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

Quarterly UI Wage Magnetic Media Reporting - .CSV File Format#

1Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) This field must be numeric and may be formatted (i.e., 3 digits, dash, 2 digits, dash, 4 digits) or unformatted (nine digits) e.g., — ?123-45-6789? or — ?123456789? or blank, no spaces.
An ITIN is a 9-digit number issued by the IRS to identify an individual who is not eligible to receive an SSN.
2Last NameUp to 30 characters
3First NameUp to 30 characters
4Middle NameUp to 30 characters
5SuffixOptional, Up to 4 characters
6*HoursEnter Quarterly hours subject to unemployment taxes
(from Pay Element 'REG HOURS' if the standard IDIF file definition 'HL$US-QTR-WA-20YY' is used)
7*GrossEnter quarterly wages subject to unemployment taxes
(from Pay Element 'SUI WAGES' if the standard IDIF file definition 'HL$US-QTR-WA-20YY' is used)
8SOC6 digits, Occupation Code from IDJB for the employee's Job


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