South Dakota Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Set Up#

This document contains abbreviated set up requirement for the state of Georgia only, please refer to the general document (Tax Reporting - US General) for other setup procedure that may also be required.

IDGV - State Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up for ‘State Registration’ for State/Province: South Dakota.
  • The IDGV Variables tab must be set up for ‘State Registration’ for State/Province: South Dakota.
    • ‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’- Must be ‘02’ to generate SD State magnetic media file for SD State only

IDGV - State SUI Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up with ‘State SUI Registration’ for State/Province: South Dakota
  • The IDGV Variables tab must be set up with ‘State SUI Registration’ for State/Province: South Dakota
    • ‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’- Must be ‘02’ to generate UI wage magnetic media file for South Dakota.

State File Procedures#

  • South Dakota does not have state personal income tax.
  • The South Dakota Department of Labor accepts filing of UI quarterly wages via magnetic media using the ICESA format.

State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting – ICESA format#

RPYEU must be run and the following selected to generate South Dakota state file information:
  • The state of South Dakota must be selected in the ‘Report List Filters’.
  • Annual Form Code – Use the standard supplied form code HL$US-W2-2017. The Variables need to be entered in this form code for specific use in the installation.
  • The ‘Quarterly Form Code’ must be entered in order to produce the UI wage file in ICESA format.
  • Use the supplied form code ‘HL$US-QTR-2012’. The Variables need to be entered in this form code for specific use in the installation.
  • Period Type:Quarter
  • Period End Date:Enter the quarter end date, i.e. 30-Jun-2016
  • Media File Type:State SUI File Format

  • If the Directory Name/Media File Name is not supplied, an output file will not be produced.

Quarterly UI Wage Magnetic Media Reporting – ICESA Format#

Please note that the following ‘Not Required’ fields may or may not always contain blanks. Note: Columns with SD indicates it is a South Dakota specific requirement which is not the standard record format

Record Name: Code E - Employer Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘E’
2-5 SDPayment QuarterEnter the month and year for which the report is being prepared (enter 0307 for 1st quarter in 2007)
24-73Employer NameEnter the first 50 positions of the employer’s name exactly as registered with the state UI agency

Derived from the Entity
171-172State Identifier CodeEnter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the state to which wages are being reported

Enter ‘46’ for South Dakota
182-187State Unemployment Insurance Account NumberEnter state UI employer account number

Derived from the IDGV State SUI Registration
188-275 SDBlank

Record Name: Code S – Employee Wage Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘S’
2-10Social Security NumberEmployee’s social security number; if not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10
11-30Employee Last Name
31-42Employee First Name
43-43Employee Middle InitialEnter employee middle initial. Leave blank if no middle initial
44-45State CodeEnter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the state to which wages are being reported

Enter ‘46’ for South Dakota
46-49 SDReporting Quarter and YearEnter the last month and year for the calendar period for which this report applies (i.e. 0616 for Apr-June 2016)
64-77State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total WagesEnter quarterly wages subject to unemployment taxes
92-105 State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable WagesState QTR UI total wages less state QTR UI excess wages
106-275 SDBlank


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