Set Up#

This document contains abbreviated set up requirements for the State of New York only. Please refer to the general document (Tax Reporting - US General) for other setup procedures that may also be required.

IDGV - State Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: New York.
  • The IDGV Variables tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: New York.
  • 'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' - Must be ‘02’ to generate NY state magnetic media file for state of NY only.

IDGV - State SUI Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up with ‘State SUI Registration’ for State/Province: New *The IDGV Variables tab must be set up with ‘State SUI Registration’ for State/Province: New York
  • ‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’ - Must be ‘02’ to generate UI wage magnetic media file for State of New York

State File Procedures #

  • The state of New York Department of Revenue accepts filing of W-2s and Quarterly UI filing via magnetic media using the EFW2 file format.
  • Records required for both the W2 and UI reporting are: Codes RA, RE, RS, RU and RF
  • New York state requires to file the NY state file by itself, therefore IDGV must be set up as follows:
    • for State Registration of New York, the IDGV Variables:
      • ‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’ 02 – State requires its own file, do not include other state information in the NY state file

Annual W2 Wage Reporting - EFW2 File Format#

RPYEU must be run with the following report parameters and filters selected to generate the New York State file information:

RPYEU Report Parameters

Annual Form CodeUse standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
Period TypeMandatory. Defines the period type. Enter "Year" for Annual reporting and "Quarter" for quarterly reporting.
Period End DateMandatory. Defines the end date of the reporting period.
Media FormatMandatory. Set to State File Format
Defines the Federal file format for SSA reporting (includes 'RW' and 'RS' records).
Directory Name Mandatory. Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file. Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
Media File NameMandatory. Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded. Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

RPYEU Report Filters

Select State: New York, USA

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - EFW2 File Format#

Record Name: Code RA – Submitter Record (Same as the Federal Code RA)#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RA - Submitter Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RA"
3-11Submitter’s Employer ID Number (EIN)Required.
Derived from the ‘SUB-ER-EIN’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1000).
Numeric only.
12-19User Identification (User ID)Required.
Enter the eight-character BSO User ID assigned to the employee who is attesting to the accuracy of this file.
20-23Software Vendor CodeEnter the numeric four-digit Software Vendor Identification Code assigned by the National Association of Computerized Tax Processors (NACTP).

If "99 (Off-the-Shelf Software)" is entered in the Software Code field (positions 36-37) enter the Software Vendor Code.
Otherwise, fill with blanks.
24-28BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
29Resub IndicatorEnter "1" if this file is being resubmitted. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero).
30-35Resub Wage File Identifier (WFID)If "1" was entered in Resub Indicator field (position 29), enter the WFID displayed on the notice SSA sent. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
36-37Software CodeEnter "99" to indicate 'Off-the-Shelf Software'
38-94Company NameEnter the Company Name.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
95-116Location AddressEnter the company's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc).
Left justify and fill with blanks
117-138Delivery AddressEnter the company's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Example: 123 Main Street.
Left justify and fill with blanks
139-160CityEnter the company's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks
161-162State AbbreviationEnter the company's State or commonwealth/territory.
Use a postal abbreviation. For a foreign address, fill with blanks
163-167ZIP CodeEnter the company's ZIP code. For a foreign address, fill with blanks
168-171ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the company's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks
172-176BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
177-199Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the company's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
200-214Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the company's foreign postal code.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
215-216Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks:
* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
217-273Submitter NameRequired.
Enter the name of the organization's submitter to receive error notification if this file cannot be processed.
Left Justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-NAME’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1150).
274-295Submitter Location AddressEnter the submitter's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.)
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-LOCN’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1160).
296-317Submitter Delivery AddressRequired.
Enter the submitter's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-DELIV’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1170).
318-339Submitter CityRequired.
Enter the submitter's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-CITY’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1180).
340-341Submitter State AbbreviationRequired.
Enter the submitter's State or commonwealth/territory. Use a postal abbreviation.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-STATE’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1190).
342-346Submitter ZIP CodeRequired.
Enter the submitter's ZIP Code.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1200).
347-350Submitter ZIP Code extensionEnter the submitter's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXT’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1210).
351-355BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use
IMPORTANT NOTE: If using a foreign address, the foreign State/Province (postions 356-378), Foreign Postal Code (positions 379-393) and the Contry Code (positions 394-395) are required to be completed.
356-378Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the submitter's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
379-393Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the submitter's foreign Postal Code.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
394-395Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks
* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
396-422Contact NameRequired.
Enter the name of the person to be contacted by SSA concerning processing problems.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-NAME’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1250).
423-437Contact Phone NumberRequired.
Enter the contact's phone number with numeric valies only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.
Left justify and fill with blanks.

NOTE: It is imperative that the contact's telephone number be entered in the appropriate positions. Failure to include correct and complete submitter contact information may, in some cases, delay the timely processing of your file.

Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-TEL’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1260).
438-442Contact Phone ExtensionEnter the contact's telephone extension.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-TEL-EXT’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1270).
443-445BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
446-485Contact E-mail/InternetEnter the contact's e-mail/internet address.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-EMAIL’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1280).
486-488BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
489-498Contact FaxIf applicable, enter the contact's fax number (including area code). Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-FAX’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1290).
499BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
500Preparer CodeEnter one of the following codes to indicate who prepared this file:
* A = Accounting Firm
* L = Self Prepared
* S = Service Bureau
* P = Parent Company
* O = Other

If more than one code applies, use the code that best describes who prepared this file.
501-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Record Name: Code RE – Employer Record (Same as the Federal Code RE)#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RE - Employer Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RE"
3-6Tax yearRequired.
Enter the tax year for this report (YYYY).
Derived from the user defined FROM-TO period, converted to YYYY.
7Agent Indicator CodeIf applicable, enter one of the following codes:
* 1 = 2678 Agent
* 2 = Common Paymaster
* 3 = 3504 Agent
If more than one code applies, use the one that best describes your status as an agent.
Otherwise, fill with a blank.
8-16Employer/Agent EINRequired.
Derived from the applicable Federal reporting EIN, from IDGV or IDGR.
17-25Agent for EINIf "1" was entered in the Agent Indicator Code field (position 7), enter the client-employer's EIN for which you are an Agent. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
26Terminating Business IndicatorIf this is the last tax year that W-2s will be filed under this EIN, enter "1". Otherwise, enter 0 (zero).
27-30Establishment NumberFor multiple RE (Employer) Records with the same EIN, you can use this field to assign a unique identifier for each RE (Employer) Record. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
31-39Other EINFor this tax year, if you submitted tax payments to the IRS under Form 941, 943, 944, CT-1 or Schedule H or W2 data to SSA, and a different EIN was used from the EIN in positions 8-16, enter the other EIN. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Employer's Name field (positions 40-96) and the Employer's Address fields (positions 97-173) should normally match the employer name and address under which tax payments were submitted to the IRS under Form 941, 943, 944, 945, CT-1 or Schedule H.
40-96Employer NameRequired.
Enter the name associated with the EIN entered in positions 8 - 16.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-NAME' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2010).
97-118Employer Location AddressEnter the employer's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.)
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-LOCN-ADDR' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2020).
119-140Employer Delivery AddressEnter the employer's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-DELIV-ADDR' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2030).
141-162Employer CityEnter the employer's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-CITY' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2040).
163-164Employer State AbbreviationEnter the employer's State or commonwealth/territory. Use a postal abbreviation.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-STATE' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2050).
165-169Employer ZIP CodeEnter the employer's ZIP Code.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-ZIP' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2060).
170-173Employer ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the employer's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-ZIP-EXT' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2070).
174Kind of EmployerRequired.
Enter the appropriate kind of employer:

* F = Federal Government
* State/local non-501c
* T = 501c non-government
* Y = State/local 501c
* N = None apply

NOTE: Leave blank if the tax jurisdiction Code in position 220 of the RE (Employer) Records is "P" (Puerto Rico).
175-178BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
179-201Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the employer's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
202-216Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the company's foreign postal code. Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
217-218Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks:

* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
219Employment CodeRequired.
Enter the appropriate employment code:

* A = Agriculture (Form 943)
* H = Household (Schedule H)
* M = Military (Form 941)
* Q = Medicare Qualified Government Employment (Form 941)
* X = Railroad (CT-1)
* F = Regular (Form 944)
* R = Regular (all others) (Form 941).
NOTE: Railroad reporting is not applicable for Puerto Rico and territorial employers.
220Tax Jurisdiction CodeRequired.
Enter the code that identifies the type of income tax withheld from the employee's earnings:

* Blank (W-2)
* V = Virgin Islands (W-2VI)
* G = Guam (W-2GU)
* S = American Samoa (W-2AS)
* N = Northern Mariana Islands (W-2CM)
* P = Puerto Rico (W-2PR/499R-2)
221Third Party Sick Pay IndicatorEnter "1" for a sick pay indicator. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero).
222-248Employer Contact NameEnter the name of the employer's contact.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
249-263Employer Contact Phone NumberEnter the employer's contact telephone number with numeric values only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
264-268Employer Contact Phone ExtensionEnter the employer's contact telephone extension with numeric values only. Do not use any special characters.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
269-278Employer Contact Fax NumberIf applicable, enter the employer's contact fax number with numeric values only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.
Otherwise, fill with blanks.
For US and US Territories only
279-318Employer Contact E-Mail/InternetEnter the employer's contact e-mail/internet address.
319-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Record Name: Code RS - State Wage Record (Specific to New York State)#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RS"
3-4State codeAppropriate FIPS postal numeric code. Numeric code for New York is ‘36’
Derived from the State being reported, from IDFDV sequence 7000
5-9 NYBlankFill with blanks
10-18Social Security NumberEnter the employee's SSN. If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is filled with zeroes
Omit hyphens
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-SSN’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
19-33Employee First NameEnter the employee's first name. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV W2-EE-FIRST-NAME Field Identifier
34-48Employee Middle Name or InitialEnter the employee's middle name or initial, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’
49-68Employee Last NameEnter the employee's last name. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’
69-72Employee SuffixEnter the employee's alphabetical suffix, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’
73-202 NYBlankFill with blanks
203-213 NYState Quarterly UI RemunerationEnter the total wages subject to UI in New York State
Right justify and zero fill. Include dollars and cents. Omit decimals
214-242BlankFill with blanks
243Wage Type NYEnter 'W' for regular wages or 'O' for other wages (see NYS-50 for more information)
Applies only to quarterly wages
244-275BlankFill with blanks
276-286Gross Federal Wages or Distribution Subject to WithholdingEnter the total wages, tips, and other compensation subject to New York State withholding tax
Right justify and zero fill. Include dollars and cents. Omit decimals
287-297Total NYS, NYC & Yonkers Tax WithheldEnter the total NYS, NYC and Yonkers income tax withheld (lump sum)
Right justify and zero fill. Include dollars and cents. Omit decimals
298-512BlankFill with blanks
Multiple Code RS records
Multiple code RS records are generated for an employee if there are applicable county, city or school district tax information to be reported for a State. In this case, the State wages and tax will be zero for the subsequent code RS records.

Record Name: Code RU - Total Record (Specific to New York State)#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RU"
3-9Number of RS RecordsEnter the total number of RS records for this employer.
Right justify and fill with zeroes
10-512BlankFill with blanks

Record Name: Code RF - Final Record (Specific to New York State)#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RF"
This record is only included to indicate end of file
3-512 NYBlankFill with blanks

Quarterly UI Magnetic Media Wage Reporting – EFW2 Format#

RPYEU must be run with the following report parameters and filters selected to generate the New York State file information:

RPYEU Report Parameters

Annual Form CodeUse standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
The Variables will need to be entered in this Form Code specifically in the installation.
Period TypeMandatory. Defines the period type. Enter "Quarter" for quarterly reporting.
Period End DateMandatory. Defines the end date of the reporting period.
Media FormatMandatory. Set to State SUI File Format
Defines the Federal file format for SSA reporting (includes 'RW' and 'RS' records).
Directory Name Mandatory. Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file. Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
Media File NameMandatory. Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded. Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

RPYEU Report Filters

Select State: New York, USA

NOTE: The following ‘Not Required’ fields may or may not always contain blanks.
NOTE: Columns coded with NY indicate it is a New York specific requirement which is not the standard record format.

Record Name: Code RA - Transmitter Record #

1-2Record IdentifierConstant ‘RA’
3-13Submitter’s Employer ID number (EIN)Enter the submitter’s employer ID number (EIN)
Numeric characters only
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-ER-EIN’
14-216BlankFill with blanks
217-273Submitter NameEnter the name of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-NAME’
274-295Submitter Location AddressEnter the location address of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-LOCN’
296-317Submitter Delivery AddressEnter the delivery address of the organization submitting the file.Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-DELIV’
318-339Submitter CityEnter the City of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-CITY’
340-341Submitter State AbbreviationEnter the standard two-character FIPS postal abbreviation of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-STATE’
342-346Submitter ZIP CodeEnter a valid ZIP code.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP’
347-350Submitter ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the four-digit extension of ZIP code, if applicable
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXT’
351-395BlankFill with blanks
396-422Contact NameEnter the contact name from the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-NAME’
423-437Contact Phone NumberEnter the contact's phone number
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-TEL’
438-442Contact Phone ExtensionEnter the contact's phone number extension
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-TEL-EXT’
443-445BlankFill with blanks
446-485Contact E-mailEnter the contact's email address
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-EMAIL’
486-488BlankFill with blanks
489-512Contact FAXEnter the contact's fax number
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-CONT-FAX’

Record Name: Code RE - Employer Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant ‘RE’
3-7BlankFill with blanks
8-18Employer/Agent EINEnter the Employer/Agent EIN
System derived the applicable Federal reporting EIN, from IDGV or IDGR
19-39BlankFill with blanks
40-118Employer NameEnter the employer's name submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-NAME’
119-140Employer Delivery AddressEnter the employer's delivery address
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-DELIV-ADDR’
141-162Employer CityEnter the employer's city
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-CITY’
163-164Employer State FIPS Postal AbbreviationEnter the employer's postal abbreviation
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-STATE’
165-169Employer ZIP CodeEnter the employer's ZIP Code
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-ZIP’
170-173Employer ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the employer's ZIP Code extension, if applicable.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ER-ZIP-EXT’
174-178Quarter and YearEnter the quarter number (1, 2, 3 or 4) and the tax year being reported
Format should be QYYYY
179-512BlankFill with blanks

Record Name: Code RS - Supplemental Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RS"
3-4State CodeEnter the appropriate FIPS postal numeric code. New York numeric code is "36"
Derived from the State being reported, from IDFDV sequence 7000
5-9BlankFill with blanks
10-18Social Security NumberEnter the employee's SSN. If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is filled with zeroes
Omit hyphens
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-SSN’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
19-33Employee First NameEnter the employee's first name. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-FIRST-NAME’
34-48Employee Middle Name or InitialEnter the employee's middle name or initial, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’
49-68Employee Last NameEnter the employee's last name. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’
69-72Employee SuffixEnter the employee's alphabetical suffix, if applicable. Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’
73-202 NYBlankFill with blanks
203-213 NYState Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Total WagesEnter the total quarterly wages subject to UI in New York State
Right justify and zero fill. Include dollars and cents. Omit decimals
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-WAGE-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-WAGE-WORK’

NOTE: The IDFDV Identifier ‘W2-SUI-WAGE-ER’ is not used to report this field because the value of this Identifier may already been capped by Symmetry during the US Tax calculation in the UPCALC process. Therefore, for employees who exceed the maximum wage base, this Identifier will contain no SUI Insurance wages. RPYEU uses the State Taxable wages from Identifier ‘W2-ST-WAGE-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-WAGE-WORK’ that are related to the employee's Home GEO and Work GEO codes to report SUI Total Wages.
214-242BlankFill with blanks
243-243 NYWage TypeEnter 'W' for regular wages or 'O' for other wages (see NYS-50 for more information)
Applies only to quarterly wages
Derived from IDGV setup (‘Variables’ tab).
244-275BlankFill with blanks
276-286Gross Wages subject to withholdingEnter the total gross wages subject to withholding.
Enter Enter the total annual amount for Quarter 4 only
Enter zeroes for Quarter 1, Quarter 2 and Quarter 3
Right justify and zero fill. Include dollars and cents. Omit decimals
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-WAGE-HOME’ (seq 7020) plus ‘W2_ST_WAGE_WORK’ (sequence 7030)
287-297Total Tax WithheldEnter the total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers income tax withheld (lump sum).
Enter the total annual amount for Quarter 4 only
Enter zeroes for Quarter 1, Quarter 2 and Quarter 3
Right justify and zero fill. Include dollars and cents. Omit decimals
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ST-TAX-HOME’ (seq 7040) plus ‘W2_ST_TAX_WORK’ (sequence 7050)
298-512 NYBlankFill with blanks
Multiple Code RS records
Multiple code RS records are generated for an employee if there are applicable county, city or school district tax information to be reported for a state. In this case, the state wages and tax will be zero for the subsequent code RS records.

Record Name: Code RU - Total Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant ‘RU’
3-9Number of RS RecordsEnter the total number of code "RS" records reported for this employer

Record Name: Code RF - Final Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant ‘RF’
3-512 NYBlank


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