Set Up#

This document contains abbreviated set up requirements for the state of Alabama only. Please refer to the general document (Tax Reporting - US General) for other setup procedures that may also be required.

IDGV - State Registration#

  • The IDGV Definition tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Alabama
  • The IDGV Variables tab must be set up for 'State Registration' for State/Province: Alabama
  • 'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' - Must be defined as '02' to generate the State magnetic media file for AL State only

State File Procedures#

  • The Alabama Department of Revenue accepts filing of W-2s via magnetic media using the EFW2 file format
  • The Alabama Department of Labor also accepts UI wage filing via media using the ICESA format.
  • The only required Record Code for W2 filing is RS
  • Optional Record Codes for W2 reporting are: RA, RE, RT, RF
  • Alabama State requires to file the AL State file by itself, therefore IDGV must be set up as follows:
    • For State Registration of Alabama, the IDGV Variables:'W2 STATE MEDIA FILING' must be defined as '02 State requires its own file'. Do not include other State information in the State file.

Annual W2 Magentic Media Wage Reporting - EFW2 Format#

RPYEU must be run with the following report parameters and filters selected to generate the Alabama State file information:

Report Parameters
Annual Form CodeUse the standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
Period TypeYear
Period End DateYear End Date, such as 31-Dec-YYYY
Media FormatState File Format
Directory NameMust be defined or an output file will not be generated
Media File NameMust be defined or an output file will not be generated

Report Filters

Select StateAlabama, USA

Annual W2 Electronic File Specifications#

1. The only required Record Code for W2 filing is RS
2. Columns coded with AL indicates it is a Alabama specific requirement which is not the standard record format

Record Name: Code RS - State Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RS"
3-9 ALVaries Fields

Not required
10-18 ALSocial Security NumberDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-EE-SSN

If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes
19-33 ALEmployee First NameDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-EE-FIRST-NAME
34-48 ALEmployee Middle Name or InitialDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-EE-MIDDLE
49-68 ALEmployee Last NameDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-EE-LAST-NAME
69-247 ALVaries Fields

Not required
248-257 ALState Employer Account NumberDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-STATE-REGIST for the reporting state
258-266 ALFederal Employer Identification NumberDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-FED-REGIST for the reporting federal government
267-273Not Required
274-275State code, or the appropriate FIPS postal numeric codeDerived from the State being reported
Example: Alabama State code is AL, FIPS postal numeric code is "01" (either is acceptable)
276-286State Taxable WagesDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-ST-WAGE-HOME and W2-ST-WAGE-WORK
287-297State Income Tax WithheldDerived from IDFDV Field Identifier: W2-ST-TAX-HOME and W2-ST-TAX-WORK
298-307 ALFederal Income Tax withheld
308-337 ALBlank
338-348 ALUse to report 1099 income from which Alabama tax was withheld

349-392 ALBlank
393-396 ALPayment Year
Enter year this report is being prepared for
397-512 ALNot required

State Quarterly UI Wage Reporting - ICESA Format#

RPYEU must be run with the following report parameters and filters selected to generate the Alabama State file information:

Report Parameters
Annual Form CodeUse the standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
Period TypeQuarter
Period End DateEnter the quarter end date, such as 30-Jun-20YY
Media FormatState SUI File Format
Directory NameMust be defined or an output file will not be generated
Media File NameMust be defined or an output file will not be generated

Report Filters

Select StateAlabama, USA

State UI Magnetic Media Wage Reporting - ICESA File Format#

Please note that the following 'Not Required' fields may or may not always contain blanks. Note: Columns coded with 'AL' indicate that the column is a Alabama State specific requirement which is not the standard record format

Record Name: Code A - Transmitter Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant "A"
2-5 ALYear
Enter the year this report is being prepared for
From user specified FROM-TO period converted to YYYY
6-14Transmitters Federal EIN
Enter only numeric characters, omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes

This is always obtained from the State SUI registration
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: TRAN EIN
15-18 ALTaxing Entity CodeConstant "UTAX"
19-23 ALBlank
24-73Transmitter Name
Enter the transmitter name of the organization submitting the file
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: TRAN NAME
74-113Transmitter Street Address
Enter the street address of the organization submitting the file
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: TRAN ADDRESS
114-138Transmitter City
Enter the city of the organization submitting the file
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: TRAN CITY
139-140Transmitter State
Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: TRAN STATE
141-153 ALBlank
154-158Transmitter ZIP Code
Enter a valid ZIP code
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: TRAN ZIP CODE
159-275 ALBlank

Record Name: Code B - Authorization Record (not required)#

1-1Record IdentifierConstant "B"
2-5Reporting PeriodEnter the month end date of the quarter this report is being prepared for. Example: 0916 for third quarter of 2016
6-14Transmitters Federal EINEnter only numeric characters. BASIC EIN
15-22ComputerEnter the manufacturers name.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: BASIC COMPUTER
23-24Internal LabelSL, NS, NL, AL, or blank for diskette.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: BASIC INTERNAL LABEL (seq 2100, first 2 characters)
26-27Density16, 62, 38, or blank for diskette.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: BASIC DENSITY (seq 2110)
28-30Recording Code (Character Set)EBC, or ASC. Always ASC for diskette.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: BASIC RECORDING MODE (seq 2120, first 3 characters)
31-275 Blank

Record Name: Code E - Employer Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant "E"
2-5 ALYearEnter the year this quarterly report is being prepared for (YYYY).
6-15Federal EINEnter only numeric characters.
Derived from the IDGV State SUI Registration
24-74Employer NameEnter the first 50 positions of the employer's name exactly as registered with the state UI agency.
Derived from the Entity
74-138 ALBlank
139-140 ALState CodeConstant "01"
167-171 ALTaxing Entity CodeConstant "UTAX"
172 ALBlank
173-183 ALEmployer Account Number
184-187 ALBlank
188-190QuarterEnter the two digit month of the last quarter this report is being prepared for. Example: '09' means 3rd quarter

Record Name: Code S - Employee Wage Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant "S"
2-10Social Security NumberEmployee's social security number. If not known, enter 'I' in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10
11-30 ALEmployee Last Name
31-42 ALEmployee First Name
43 ALMiddle Initial
44-45 ALState CodeUse the standard FIPS postal abbreviation.
Constant "AL" for Alabama
46-49Quarter and YearEnter the two digit month of the last quarter followed by the last two digits of the year this report is being prepared for.
Example 0916 means 3rd quarter 2016
50-63 ALWagesEnter total wages subject to state tax. No decimals
147-156 ALState Unemployment Insurance Account NumberEnter the DIR tax account number. Derived from the SUI Registration Number from IDGV
157-275 ALBlank

Record Name: Code T - Total Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant "T"
2-8Reported Total Number of EmployeesThe total number of 'S' records since the last 'E' record
13-26 ALState QTR Total Gross Wages for employerQTR gross wages subject to all taxes. No decimals.
Total of this field on all 'S' records since the last 'E' record
27-275 ALBlank

Record Name: Code F - Final Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant "F"
2-11 ALReported Total Number of EmployeesEnter the total number of 'S' records in the entire file
12-275 ALBlank


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