MIN REST SFT CRY - Minimum Hours Rest Shift Carry Over#

Time Rule Overview#

This time rule will carry over any overtime worked in a previous shift, if an employee did not receive the number of rest hours defined in the Band. The maximum number of hours an employee can carry over is defined in the Value.

If a Time Code and Premium are not defined, the time rule will use the prevailing rate.

This time rule will create a time sheet entry record with no Start and End times. The Value defines the hours carried over. The hours will be used to cover the "does not reset the overtime accumulation" business need.

Requirements / Features #

  • Time Rule Type Code: MIN REST SFT CRY

Additional Info #

Frequency predefined as Every Shift


The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below.

CycleFrequencySeqTime Rule TypeBandFromToValueDayTime CodePremiumTarget Time Code Set Apply Time Code SetAction
Every Shift1000 Minimum # of rest hoursNoNoMaximum # of hours to carry overAllowed [1]AllowedAllowed AllowedAdd

[1] The defined day of the week will be taken into consideration, or if this field is null, it will be applied to all days.

Notes #

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