A user can work in a choice of languages that are loaded into the system. Should you require an additional language for your site, you should contact your Account Representative for help to determine which additional languages are available and costing per your agreement.

The standard available languages that are presently in the system are:

  • English Canada
  • English US
  • French Canada
The standard languages in the application are supplied and should not be modified. Your changes could be lost as upgrades may overwrite your changes. Where changes are required for a supplied language, a case should be entered for Support providing the screen and field with the current supplied text and the requested change.

Check Users#

In IMUS, ensure that each user is assigned to a person code in the system. If the person code field is blank, then you must assign the user a person code and save.


Assigning Languages to Users#

The language selected on the IEPI form will determine how translated labels will be displayed for that user.


Find the Function That Needs to be Changed#

Example – In IPCH, you wish to change the pre-loaded American spelling from 'Check Type' to the alternative Canadian spelling of 'Cheque Type'.


To find the data source for the IPCH form, click on the label's field, then click the Show Usage icon. A window will appear displaying the table name you need to look up on IMFD.


Click on 'Cancel' and proceed to IMFD

Translate the Pre-loaded Label Name#

In IMFD, select the IPCH function. The table usages available will display; click the appropriate line and proceed to the Form Layout tab.


TRANSLATING A PRE-LOADED LABEL There are two languages supplied on the Maintain Form Definitions (IMFD) screen. The Prompt field, found in the lower left corner, shows the base default for the system and this should not be modified. The field that should be changed is directly below and will have a name of Prompt (Language), where the language is from the highest sequenced language on the IMLA screen. You can only modify one language at a time. If you need to modify more, change to the next language and repeat any changes required.

Never modify the Prompt field if the usage is pre-loaded. The field you need to change for an alternate language is below the prompt field. (i.e. Prompt (ENG))

The ISRV screen, when complete, should resemble the screenshot below.