This field indicates the type of to-date record this record relates to.

X_TODATE_TYPE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed Value
A Assignment to Date
F Fiscal
M Monthly
Q Quarter
Y Year to Date

The CALENDAR_PERIOD field has different values and significance, based upon the TODATE_TYPE value.

For the date-based records, the CALENDAR_PERIOD is derived from the PAY_ISSUE_DATE on the pay header, at the time of the UPCLOZ process:

F The Fiscal month, in format YYYYMM, from the FISCAL_CALENDAR
M The Calendar month, in format YYYYMM
Q The Calendar quarter, in format YYYYMM
Y The Calendar year, in format YYYY
A ID of the P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS record that this ties to

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