Security Rights#

The Maintain Security Rights (IMSV) screen is used to determine which leave policies your employees will be able to have access to when entering leave time through Self Service.

This is done by setting the Security Right Code field to ‘LEAVE TYPE’ for each user or role, with the Security Value field used for the leave policy code.

Leave Policies#

The Maintain Leave Policies (IALP) screen must be set up to allow employees to enter their own time through Self Service.

For each policy that you have granted users access to in Maintain Security Rights (IMSV), you must:

  1. Add the attendance component of A1400 (Default Time Code/Pay Component for Leave Entry)
  2. Indicate the pay component that the Time Taken is stored in.

These steps will allow the system to then derive a ‘default’ time code from Define Time Codes (IDTC) screen.

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