State Tax Calculation - General Set Up#

Please refer to the US Federal Tax Calculation document's 'General Set Up' section for all set up requirements.

At state level, the following screens should be verified set up for each state:


This screen is used to:
  • view US Tax Rates by state and to enter the Overridden rates and Wage Base.
  • suppress some SUTA Surcharge Calculation for some states by checking the 'Do not Calculate' toggle


This screen is used to:
  • view US Tax Miscellaneous Parameters by the states that are applicable for IPRLU


  • This screen may optionally contain specific Override rates and Wage bases by Government Registration for each Registration from the Pay Header's group
  • IDGV overridden amounts take precedence over the IPUTR overridden amounts


  • Each employee must be set up with the applicable Tax Methods
  • Miscellaneous Tax Parameters must be set up by the states that need to be paid


This process audits the US Tax Filing information and generates IPRLU Miscellaneous Tax Parameters information according to IMCT set up


  • The Pay Header tab must specify the default Work Jurisdiction and Home Jurisdiction
  • In the Pay Lines tab, the Jurisdiction field must specify the Work Jurisdiction of this pay line
  • After Trial Calc or UPCALC, the Pay Amounts tab will contain all US Taxation amounts in summary that are used for the calculation of net pay
  • The Pay Jurisdiction tab contains the default Work Jurisdiction and Home Jurisdiction
  • After Trial Calc or UPCALC, the Pay Jurisdiction tab contains all US Taxation amounts by jurisdiction in detail

New Mexico State Tax Calculation#

On IPUTR, there is a list of applicable taxes to be calculated for State of New Mexico:
35-000-0000-SIT-000New Mexico State Tax
35-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000New Mexico State Unemployment Tax
35-000-0000-WC-000New Mexico Worker's Compensation
35-000-0000-ER_EHT-000New Mexico Worker's Compensation Assessment Fee - Employer

NM – IPRLU Set Up#

The Miscellaneous Tax parameters must be set up for the following Miscellaneous Identifiers. If these identifiers do not exist, UPCALC will generate the default entries for the identifiers.
Miscellaneous IdentifiersDescription
'S'-single, 'M'-married, or 'MH'-married but w/h at higher single rate
Enter the total number of allowances

On the IPRLU State tab ‘WC Method’ may be set up with an override ‘Calc by US Taxation’ or ‘Both by IPWC and US Taxation’ in order to calculate the New Mexico Workers Compensation by Symmetry Taxation.

WC Method ‘Calc by IPWC Class’ will calculate WC using the rates defined in IPWC, the WC tax identifier in IPUTR will not calculate if this method is selected.

If the IPRLU WC Method is not set up, then IPPGU Pay Category WC Method will be used.

NM – ER SUTA Rate#

ER SUTA may be bypassed on IPUTR with ‘Do not Calculate’ or IPRLU ‘SUI ER Method’ = ‘Do not Calculate’.

There are two options to set up the ER SUTA rate by state:

  1. IPUTR
    • Enter the SUTA ER rate that is given by the government on the Override Tax Rate field.
    • This rate is applicable for the entire company within the State of New Mexico.
  2. IDGV
    • If there is a specific rate given by the government for a different State Registration #, then enter the rate on IDGV by ‘Reg Type’; this overrides the IPUTR rate.

NM – IPPC / PC Usages#

IPPC – Set up Pay Components by PC Usages

In order to calculate the following taxes, set up IPPC for these PC Usages:

7006Workers Comp Employee Tax
7430NM-WC Assessment Fee - Employer

NM – Special Taxes#

IPUTR – Worker’s Compensation
  1. New Mexico Worker's Compensation
    • Check the ‘Do Not Calculate’ toggle on IPUTR to bypass WC Calculation if desired.
    • IPRLU or IPPGU may specify WC Method = ‘Calc by US Taxation’ or ‘Both by IPWC and US taxation’ to calculate WC using Symmetry.
    • The New Mexico Workers Compensation tax is $2 per quarter fee paid by the employee.
    • Symmetry provides an option to prorate this Workers Compensation Tax by pay period, however the ‘Prorate Option’ will not be used due to rounding issues as follows:

      e.g. In one year, there are four quarters in a year, $2 x 4 = $8 per year.
      • For BW payroll, there are 26 pays in one year, $8 / 26 = $0.31 per pay, therefore $0.31 should be taken for each pay period until the $2 quarterly maximum is reached.
      • However, $0.62 will be withheld when both Regular and Suppl wages are paid in one pay; for the quarter with 6 pays, $0.31 x 6 = $1.86, for the quarter with 7 pays, $0.31 x 7 = $2.17 with maximum of $2.00.
      • During the last pay of a quarter, if the ‘Prorate Option’ is set to False, then Symmetry will catch the remainder of the Workers Compensation tax for the quarter.
      • However, the last pay of a quarter for each employee varies depending on if the employee will be paid, therefore the ‘Prorate Option’ will not be used.
      • Workers Compensation will be calculated the first time the employee is paid in a quarter, this coincides with the Employer New Mexico Worker's Compensation Assessment Fee as below.
  2. New Mexico Worker's Compensation Assessment Fee
    • Check the ‘Do Not Calculate’ toggle on IPUTR to bypass WC Calculation if desired.
    • IPRLU or IPPGU may specify WC Method = ‘Calc by US Taxation’ to calculate WC.
    • This tax is computed as a dollar amount per employee and is considered Employer Head tax.

NM – Trial Calc Example#

Example (1) Proration of New Mexico Workers Compensation Tax (PC 5331) Note, this proration is not used. Symmetry Set Up - NM_01.jpg(info)

IPRLU Miscellaneous Tab
PC 8046 Res SIT Earn= 2577.97
PC 6042 Res SIT= 111.71
PC 8056 Res SSP Earn= 914.01 x 4.9 %
PC 6052 Res Supp Tax= 44.79
PC 5330 NM-WC Assessment Fee-ER= IPUTR 35-000-0000-ER_EHT-000 Tax Rate 2.30 per quarter
= 2.30
PC 5331 Workers Comp Tax= IPUTR 35-000-0000-WC-000 Tax Rate 2.00 per quarter

In one year, there are four quarters in a year, $2 x 4 = $8 per year

For BW payroll, there are 26 pays in one year, $8 / 26 = $0.31 per pay

$0.31 will be taken for Regular wages and/or Supplemental wages until $2 quarterly maximum is reached

$.0.31 for Regular Wages and $0.31 for Sup Wages = 0.62
PC 6703 SUI ER Contr= 3653.59 x IPUTR 35-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000 Override Tax Rate 0.054
= 197.29

Example (2) - NO Proration of New Mexico Workers Compensation Tax (PC 5331) Note, this proration is used. Symmetry Set Up - NM_02.jpg(info)

PC 5331 Workers Comp Tax= IPUTR 35-000-0000-WC-000 Tax Rate 2.00 per quarter
= 2.00

Workers Compensation will be calculated the first time the employee is paid in a quarter, this coincides with the Employer New Mexico Worker's Compensation Assessment Fee.
Note:For New Mexico Workers Compensation, in order to override the employee WC portion and move to the employer WC portion, then this employee WC portion becomes taxable and subject to SIT and SUTA tax.

In this case, calculate WC via Usercalc instead of by Symmetry. In Usercalc, calculate the employee and employer WC portion and store in pay component before US Taxation Pay point. Then include this employee WC pay component into the Elements of Pre-State Earnings (Usage 6651) and Pre-SUI Employer Earnings (Usage 6752). This approach truly reflects the Employee WC portion in the Pre-Tax Earnings pay components and will carry through the system for the use of Self-Adjust method etc.


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