Salaries, or ‘Salary Ranges’ as they are referred to in HHRMePersonality, may be created as by fixed or formula method. Salary Ranges are general guidelines as to the compensation an employee is to receive. You will have the ability to run a report to view the salary ranges that have been created.

Salary Ranges are used to hold the possible minimum, midpoint, and maximum salary that may be applied to a job.

You may create Salary codes to represent all the possible salary ranges applicable to your company within the Maintain Salary Range (ISSR) form. The ranges are created independently of jobs and may be applied within the Maintain Jobs (IDJB) form to one or many jobs.

Ranges are created for each entity in the organization. It is not necessary to define ranges by department, unit, or group.

Ranges are date sensitive and may change over time, therefore, a history of salary range information may be maintained.

Ranges may be based on any rate basis – they are not limited to yearly salaries. Therefore, a combination of salary ranges and scales/steps may be applied to positions, jobs, and assignments.

Ranges may consist of a fixed minimum, midpoint and maximum dollar amount, or may be calculated based on a formula that includes points awarded to each job/position. If range rules are used, each job within the organization must be evaluated and points awarded/assigned based on that evaluation.

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