Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Wisconsin - WRS #

The Department of Employee Trust Fund administrates the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). All employees who meet both the following criteria must be enrolled in the WRS:

  1. Employee is expected to work one-third of full-time per year (600 hours for non-teaching employees and 440 hours for teachers).
  2. Employee is expected to be employed for at least one year (365 consecutive days, 366 in leap year) from date of hire.
If an employee is expected to work 9 to 10 months per year but is expected to return year after year, the one-year requirement is met.

WRS Setup#

Users will need to establish a specific Benefit Plan Type, Benefit Plan, User Fields attached to Employment Statuses, Pay Elements and Interface Format in order to run the WRS report.

Benefit Plan Types - IBPT #

A special plan type of 'RETIREMENT' will be required so that this WRS system will only process the plans in this plan type.

In the case where an employee works in two categories, then two separate plans must be setup, and the employee will be enrolled in both plans, with a different category (‘Coverage’) in each plan.

If employee changes category during year, this change date must fall in a pay period end date, so that the hours/amount earned within a pay period are reported under the same category.

Benefit Plans/Coverages - IBPN #

The Benefit Plan may be set up with the standard benefit components documented in the Benefits Administration manual (see the Pension Sample Plan).

The WRS system must be setup as a benefit plan, with the coverage being the Employment Categories Personality.

Each eligible employee will then be enrolled into this plan, with the coverage corresponding to the employee’s Employment Category.

The category contribution rates can then be stored in the Coverage Rate screen, and the Actual EE/ER amounts can be entered as a coverage component. Hours or other information that may not be entered as a coverage component must be supplied to the program as to where they are located (which Pay Component).

There are 12-employment categories, each category carries a different contribution rates

Category ‘00’ General Employee EE=5.0%; BAC=1.2%
Category ‘01’ Court Reporter EE=5.0%; BAC=1.2%
Category ‘02’ State Executive Retirement Plan EE=5.5%; BAC=0.1%
Category ‘03’ Protective with Social Security EE=6.0%; BAC=0.5%
Category ‘04’ Protective without Social Security EE=7.2%; BAC=N/A
Category ‘05' Supreme Court Justice EE=5.5%; BAC=0.1%
Category ‘06’ Legislator or State Constitutional Officer EE=5.5%; BAC=0.1%
Category ‘07’ Appellate Judge EE=5.5%; BAC=0.1%
Category ‘08’ Circuit Court Judge EE=5.5%; BAC=00.1%
Category ‘09’ Local Elected Official EE=5.5%; BAC=0.1%
Category ‘10’ Teacher EE=5.0%; BAC=1.2%
Category ‘11’ State Executive Retirement Plan Teacher EE=5.5%; BAC=0.1%

User Fields - IMUF #

There is an Action Code, required on the report; and a Transaction Type, required if you are reporting through Magnetic Media.

Set up:
‘ET-2533 ACTION'
as a CHAR user fields associated with P2K_CM_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS.

For Annual Report:
This code will be extracted from the appropriate user field attached to the employment status of the employee at year-end.

‘00’ Used to report annual hours and earnings for employees not terminated or not on leave of absence.
‘40’ Used to report employees on an informal leave of absence with no annual earnings.
‘50’ Used to report employees on a military leave of absence at year-end.
‘51’ Used to report employees on an unpaid leave of absence at year-end.
‘53’ Used to report employees on layoff at year-end.
‘80’ Used to correct or adjust an incorrect code ‘00’ entry on the annual report. (Report adjustment amount only, i.e. amounts to be add/subtract from previous amount).

For Employee Transaction Report:
The following are codes applicable to this transaction report only.

‘01’ Used for normal termination.
‘03’ Used when employee is enrolled in WRS, but is not eligible.
‘04’ Used when employee is terminated due to a non-work related illness or injury.
‘05’ Used when an employee is dismissed or discharged.
‘06’ Used when the termination is due to an employee’s death.
‘07’ Used to report termination for WRS only for a local elected official who is waiving part-time elected service.
‘08’ Used when employee is terminated due to work-related illness or injury.
‘10’ Used when employee is changing employment category due to change in job duties.
‘54’ Used when employee is on leave of absence due to non-work related illness or injury.
‘58’ Used when employee is on leave of absence due to work-related illness or injury.
‘8X’ Correct previous submitted current year transaction types ‘0X’.

ET-2533 Transaction To be reported on Magnetic Media only

‘000’ No change/Annual Report records only
‘001’ Termination
‘003’ Not eligible
‘004’ Non-work related illness/Injury
‘005’ Dismissal
‘006’ Death
‘007’ Waived Part-Time Elected Service
‘008’ Work related Injury/Illness
‘010’ Employment Category Change
‘023’ Contract Settlement Payment
‘024’ Service Correction Only
‘027’ Correction (Refund) to prior Year’s Earnings or Contributions
‘029’ Correction to Prior Year Transactions
‘031’ Name Correction or Change
‘033’ Begin Date Change
‘034’ Statement of Benefits Code Change
‘035’ ETF Employer Number
‘036’ Sex Change
‘038’ Address Change
‘040’ No Earning (annual report only)
‘050’ Employee on military leave of absence at end of year (annual report only)
‘051’ Employee on unpaid leave of absence at end of year (annual report only)
‘052’ Employee on paid, or deemed paid leave of absence (annual report only)
‘053’ Employee on layoff (annual report only)
‘054’ Employee of Leave of Absence, Non-work related illness/injury
‘058’ Employee on leave of absence, Work-related illness/injury
‘060’ New Employee
‘063’ Employment Category Correction
‘080’ Adjustment – Annual Detail (000), include adjustment hours/amount only
‘081’ Adjustment – Termination (001), include adjustment hours/amounts only
‘083’ Adjustment – Non-work related illness/injury (004), include adjustment hours/amounts only
‘085’ Adjustment – Dismissal (005), include adjustment hours/amounts only
‘086’ Adjustment – Death (006), include adjustment hours/amounts only
‘087’ Adjustment – Waived Part-Time Elected Service (007), include adjustment hours/amounts only
‘088’ Adjustment – Work-related illness/injury (008), include adjustment hours/amounts only.

Employment Statuses - IDES #

The Action Code and Transaction Type user fields defined must be indicated on each employment status.

Pay Elements - IPPE #

For each 'column' of amounts to be reported on or populated a pay element must be created that contains all of the pay components that are needed.
If any 'column' is NOT to be used then an empty pay element should be created. i.e. WRS NOT NEEDED without any pay components indicated.

RPWRS Report#

Once set up is complete the report should be run and the file created and verified.

Annual Transaction Report (ET-2533) #

The Annual Transaction Report should include service, earnings and employee paid contributions for all participating employees of the employer who have not been reported during the calendar year. Included should be those on leave of absence at year-end and any employees not on formal leave but for whom no earnings were paid during the year.

Filings are to be completed by January 20 or January 31 depends on type of employer (see section 706 of WRS publication ET-1127).

All active (not terminated) employees that have an official enrollment record at year end will be selected.

Employee Transaction Report (ET-2533) #

The employer must notify the WRS when a participating employee terminates employment retirement coverage by reporting him/her on an Employee Transaction Report. This report serves as a mechanism for reporting other types of employee transactions when:

  • An employee changes category due to change in job duties.
  • A previously submitted employee transaction requires correction.
  • Late reported earnings or salary changes must be reported.
  • An employee takes a leave due to medical reasons.

The reporting of terminated employees and other types of employee transactions should occur within one week after final reportable earnings have been paid. For state agencies on Central Payroll, employee transactions will be transmitted via the bi-weekly payroll tape. Corrections must be made through Central Payroll rather than sending paper forms to ETF.

All employees who have been terminated, or have employment category changes during a user-specified date range will be selected for reporting.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Report TypeMandatory,Report Type lexicon available
Annual or EE Transaction Report
Report DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
The ‘Report Date' is the date printed in the file.
Action Begin Date/Action End DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
The ‘Action' date range will be used to determine which pay components within the element to report on.
Directory NameOptional, text
Must be a directory on the server for which the current user (as signed onto the client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the ‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal being used.
Media File NameOptional, Text
This field displays the file name of the data being uploaded.
Write or AppendMandatory, Write or Append available
If the file already exists should the current information overwrite it or append to it?
EntityMandatory, LOV available
Limits the process to the entity specified.
Fiscal Hours ElementMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you specify the fiscal hours pay element for the report.
Fiscal Earn ElementMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you specify the fiscal earnings pay element for the report.
Calendar Hours ElementMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you specify the calendar hours element for the report.
Calendar Earn ElementMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you specify the calendar earnings element for the report.
Post-Tax EERC ElementMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you specify the EERC pay element for the report. EERC=employee required contribution, ERRC=employer required contribution
Pre-Tax EERC ElementOptional, LOV available
This field allows you to specify the Pre-Tax EERC pay element for the report.
Post-Tax BAC ElementMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you specify the BAC pay element for the report. BAC=benefit adjustment contribution
Pre-Tax BAC ElementOptional, LOV available
This field allows you to specify the Pre-Tax BAC element for the report.
Add'l Contrib Fix ElemOptional, LOV available
This field allows you specify the additional contributions fixed element for the report.
Add'l Contrib Var ElemOptional, LOV available
This field allows you specify the additional contributions variable element for the report.
Tax Def Add'l Fix ElemOptional, LOV available
This field allows you specify the tax deferred additional fixed element for the report.
Tax Def Add'l Var ElemOptional, LOV available
This field allows you specify the tax deferred additional variable element for the report.
ER Add'l Fix ElemOptional, LOV available
This field allows you specify the employer additional fixed element for the report.
ER Add'l Var ElemOptional, LOV available
This field allows you specify the employer additional variable element for the report.
Exception LevelOptional, LOV available
A ‘trace’ report of exception messages may be produced to assist in the testing phase. If necessary, choose from 0 – 9 (highest) level of trace. Please note that this is a voluminous report and will cause very slow performance.

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the people list specified.
PersonOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to persons specified.
DepartmentOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the departments specified.
Org Level TypeOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the organization level types specified.
Org LevelOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the organization levels specified.
Authorization AreaOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the authorization areas specified.
UnitOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the units specified.
GroupOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the groups specified.
PayrollOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the payrolls specified.
StatusOptional, LOV available
This field limits the process to the statuses specified.

Notes #

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