The purpose of the review process is to provide clients with a means to establish an automated review generation and update program. Reviews are first established by type, for example, ‘Disciplinary’ or ‘Probationary’. These types of reviews may be automatically generated or may be manually entered. The performance of the employee may then be rated using either lexicon entries or points.

Review types must be established in order that a review can be created manually ISRV or generated automatically USUR. Each review is associated with an assignment type and review type relationship. When a review is created it has the default status of ‘Pending’.

Reviews are also controlled using the status of the review. Status changes may be used to control the next step of the review process, the application of a wage or position change as a result of the review. Reviews may be in this way carried to the Personnel Action process and be used as a pay-for-performance program within the company.

As each review is rated, view through points and or via an overall lexicon rating, the status of review changes from needing approval, to partially approved, to fully approved. Once a review is fully approved, it is ready to be carried into the personnel action ISPA. A review that is carried into a personnel action is marked as closed when run in update mode. Each personnel action can then in turn be processed to update the employee’s assignment type.

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