Reports can be run immediately or scheduled to run at a later day/time. To schedule a report to run at a later date, you need to provide information on the Run Options tab of the Report Launch form.


Report Scheduling - Run When#

These Report Scheduling Run When options may be used to schedule the process to run at a designated time. If there are no options specified, the process will run immediately.
Schedule Start Date
This field specifies the date that the process will run.
Run Start Time
This field specifies the time the process will run (on the 24hr clock).

Report Scheduling - Repeat Options#

These Report Scheduling Repeat Options may be used to automatically repeat the report or update process on a designated frequency. If there are no options specified, the process will run only once.
This field specifies how often the process will run. Each run will use the same parameters. e.g. Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Every n.
Frequency Amount
This field specifies the interval of time between runs if the Frequency is “Every”. It is expressed in the time basis of the Frequency Option. e.g. a value of 2 with a basis of ‘Days’ means ‘Every 2 Days’
Frequency Option
This field specifies the time basis of the Frequency Amount. e.g. Minute(s), Day(s), Hour(s), Week(s), Month(s), etc.
Day Repeat
This field specifies which Weekday of the month the process should be run on. e.g. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Day, etc.
This field identifies which day of the week the process should run on. e.g. Mon, Tues, Wed, etc.
Schedule Expiry Date
This field specifies the date that the process will stop running.

Run Report#

Once you have specified all of your parameters, you are ready to execute the report or update process. To launch the process, click the Run Report button at the top of the parameter form. If there are no scheduling options specified, the report starts the execution immediately on the report server.


Where is scheduling controlled?

  • P2K_AM_EXECUTIONS drives it - lines that have an execution_status = ‘01’ (Scheduled) are read by the report server on Application Startup or when scheduled and placed in an internal que.

How does the scheduling work – not how to schedule something?

  • There is a “watcher” that wakes up every minute (I believe) to see what it needs to run based on the list it holds in memory based on the above.

How does it get repeated?

  • If the report has repeat options it will be rescheduled before running this round based on the options selected. A new MEX is created with the same parameters, changing any dates that have relative date offsets defined, for the next scheduled time THEN the existing execution runs.

How do we stop it/control it?

  • IMMSR is used to view all currently scheduled reports. If you want to cancel one select it and press the button for IMEX (which is by function) find the specific line you want and cancel or change the Scheduling/Repeat Options and press Save and Schedule.

Is it just deleting records or changing status of records in MEX?

  • IMEX changes the status and the caching will then tell the scheduler to remove it from it’s internal list.

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