REPDR - California Pay Data Reporting - Payroll Employee report#


The REPDR report generates a Payroll Employee Report .csv file for California Pay Data Reporting.

This report may be required for private U.S. organizations. The REPDR process supports the filing for both single-Establishment Employers and Multi-Establishment Employers.

Please refer to the following web site for government instructions:

This report uses similar set up and User Fields as REEO1 report. Refer to REEO1 page for more information.

User must enter values in the User Fields "California PDR Filed Last Year" and "California PDR Major Activity" on IDLN screen before running REPDR as following.

  • California PDR Filed Last Year:
    - Enter "Yes" if the employer submitted a California Pay Data Report in the year prior to the current Reporting Year.
    - Enter "No" if the employer did not submit a California Pay Data Report in the year prior to the current Reporting Year.
  • California PDR Major Activity:
    Describe the major activity or activities of the establishment. Include the specific type of product or type of service provided, as well as the principal business or industrial activity. Be specific, e.g., manufacturing steel casings, retail grocer, wholesale plumbing supplies, title insurance, etc.

REPDR Report Parameters #

EntityMandatory. Defines the entity to report on. Users can select from the LOV.
Date Range From/ToDefines the date range to report on. Employees who are Active within this date range will be included in the report. Users can select from the calendar icon (F9)
As Of DateDefines the date that the employee's records will be examined “as of”. It should be set to the same 'Date Range To' value, to ensure consistency of data. Users can select from the calendar icon (F9)
Salary Pay ElementMandatory. This is the pay element for capturing Annual Salary
Hours Worked Pay ElementMandatory. This is the pay element for capturing Hours worked
Sort People ByThis field defines how the employee information will be sorted.
Directory NameName of the complete path and directory
File NameDefines the name of the output file.
Create EE Details Dump FileWhen set to YES, a dump file will be generated. Users can select from the LOV.
Exception LevelMandatory. Defines the level of detail to be printed on the exception report. Options are:
* Exceptions Only
* User Trace
* Internal Level
* Legislation
* UserCalc Trace
* Program Trace
* Utility Trace
User CommentUsers can enter text that will appear on the header of all pages of the report.

REPDR Report Filters#

People List CodeUsers can define one or more people lists to report on. Users can select from the LOV.
Person CodeUsers can define one or more person codes to report on. Users can select from the LOV.
DepartmentDefines specific Departments to report on. Users can select one or multiple departments from the LOV.
Org Level TypeDefines a specific Organization level to report on.
Note: The Org Level Type MUST be defined IF using the Sort Option of Org Level OR if a user wants to filter the report by Org Levels.
Org Level CodeDefines specific Organization levels to report on. Users can select one or multiple levels from the LOV.
UnitDefines specific Units to report on. Users can select one or multiple Units from the LOV.
GroupDefines specific Groups to report on. Users can select one or multiple Groups from the LOV.
AuthorizationDefines specific Authorization levels to report on. Users can select one or multiple Authorization levels from the LOV.
Status TypesDefines specific Status Types to report on. Users can select one or multiple Status Types from the LOV.
StateDefines specific State to report on. Users can select one or multiple States from the LOV.

Notes #

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