Processing Leave Lines In IAAL


Processing Leave Lines In IAAL#

This is a new process using UPPAL in place of the previous field in UPTG for Prior Leave Date. You should run UPTG first and then UPPAL. UPTG is run for the current pay period and batch number are created.

Next, UPPAL is run to process any leave lines in IAAL for prior leave. UPTR will contain all of the batch numbers for both the UPTG and UPPAL created batches and will generate a new batch number for a single pay header containing all leave and regular pay, pay lines.




Any leave line processed from IAAL will show in the IPPH pay line as HR, so 1 Day in IAAL will show as 1 HR. In the pay line details, this is translated into the correct number of hours; so this example would show 7.5 HR in the pay line details. Any leave lines in IAAL that are processed by UPPAL must be ‘closed off’ by a pay run closing before you run UPPAL for any newly entered leave lines for the next pay period. If you do run UPPAL before closing a pay, you may pick these already processed leave lines up together with newly entered leave lines when UPPAL is run for the next period.

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