
This function will return the Wage Rate of the identified employee, for the as of date in units as requested, deriving the wage rate according to Source value


EEM_ID The ID for the employee
ASOF_DATE The “As OF” date to be considered
SOURCE What source[1] should be used to get this wage
HIGHER_OF (optional) if set to ‘1’, will return whichever is higher – the prime assignment wage or the requested wage (based on SOURCE)
EAS_ID (optional) The ID of the assignment (which may not necessarily be the prime assignment)
DJB_ID (optional) The ID of the job code to be referenced
DPS_ID (optional) The ID of the position code to be referenced
BASIS The rate basis[2] that the wage should be returned in




If an invalid parameter is passed, then null is returned



Will return the prime assignment wage, as an annual wage

P2K_SPPGWAGE(~,SYSDATE,'03','1',null,null,887,null,'02') Will return the higher of prime assignment wage or the wage for the position identified with ID 887, as an monthly wage

[1 - Sources]

Source Type Meaning
‘01’ Prime Assignment
‘02’ Other Assignment (provide EAS_ID)
‘03’ Job (provide DJB_ID)
‘04’ Position (provide DPS_ID)

[2 - Rate basis]

Basis Type Meaning
‘01’ Annual
‘02’ Monthly
‘03’ Semi Monthly
‘04’ Bi Weekly
‘05’ Weekly
‘06’ Daily
‘07’ Hourly

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