This function retrieves information as seen on IPSN, for an employee's sundry transaction. This function does not retrieve sundry line detail information, only
EEM_ID | The actual ID for the employment record belonging to the employee you are getting data for |
PC_CODE | The pay component code for the sundry line |
WHAT | Identifies which element of the sundry line you wish to retrieve |
AS_OF | Optional. Provides a date to narrow down the sundry line retrieval. If not provided, then the current date will be used. |
WHAT Parameter Values#
- Any field name from P2K_PR_SUNDRY_LINES
- PAYEE_NAME - This will return the FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME of the Payee linked to the PSL record
- PAYEE_CODE - This will return the PERSON_CODE of the Payee linked to the PSL record
Returns: #
Varchar2 (regardless of the type of data being requested)
If no sundry is found, then NULL is returned
Errors: #
- *BAD EEM_ID When there is no employment record with the ID provided
- *BAD PC CODE When there is no such pay component
- *BAD WHAT When the WHAT parameter is not one of the values supported
- *BAD SUNDRY When more than one sundry line meets the criteria.
Example: #
P2K_PU.PSN(~,'5030','WORK_ORDER') - Using Employment ID as the first parameter (~)
- Will return the WORK_ORDER for the employee's sundry transaction for pay component 5030
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