Quarterly Wage Reporting http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/revenue/njbgs/pdf/webemail.pdf
Electronic Record Layout#
Processing Information#
A new UDF (NJ_MAG_AUTH) is added to IDGV. RPYEU automatically generates the new UDF when it does not exist, so the User does not need to insert this. The user then needs to enter the NJ Mag Authorization Number on IDGV and run RPYEU. When IDGV UDF (NJ_MAG_AUTH) is not set up on State SUI Registration, it uses IDGV State Registration.Employer "M" Record Layout#
Location | Description | Type | Length | Remarks |
001 - 001 | Record ID | A/N | 1 | Always "M" |
002 - 013 | FEIN | N | 12 | Federal employer identification number |
014 - 015 | Filler | A/N | 2 | Spaces |
016 - 051 | Employer Name | A/N | 36 | From tape authorization letter |
052 - 086 | Street Address | A/N | 35 | |
087 - 106 | City | A/N | 20 | |
107 - 111 | State | A/N | 5 | |
112 - 120 | Zip Code | A/N | 9 | Left justify, spaces |
121 - 122 | Quarter & year or report | N | 2 | Qtr #1, 2, 3, 4; last digit of year |
123 - 128 | Number of employees reported | N | 6 | Right justify, zero fill; must equal the number of employee "B" record this employer |
129 - 142 | Total wages paid this quarter | N | 14 | Dollars & cents; right justify/zero fill;no decimal |
143 - 151 | FEIN | N | 9 | Federal employer identification number |
152 - 155 | Magnetic authorization number | N | 4 | From tape authorization letter |
156 - 160 | Filler | A/N | 5 | Spaces |
Employee "B" Record Layout
001 - 001 | Record ID | A/N | 1 | Always "B" |
002 - 010 | Employee SSN | N | 9 | |
011 - 040 | Employee name | A/N | 30 | Last name, first, mi; no punctuation |
041 - 052 | Employee wages paid this quarter | N | 12 | Dollars & cents; right justify/zero fill; no decimal |
053 - 054 | Employee base weeks | N | 2 | Range 00 - 14; right justify/zero fill |
055 - 160 | Filler | A/N | 106 | Spaces |
The number of base weeks is determined by the application using the IDFDV Form specified and at SEQ 7285 W2-SUI-WK-WRK and 7290 W2-SUI-WEEKS-WRK if both are left blank the number of weeks is determined by the application by adding up the number of weeks paid on the pay headers IPPH.
If the company makes use of part timers you may not want to report the IPPH weeks worked but review the NJ Dept of Labor to the definition of base weeks as "A base week is any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) in the reporting quarter during which the employee earned in employment remuneration equal to or more than 20 times the state hourly minimum wage ($8.25/hr in 01 Jan 2014)." This value can be calculated with a payroll usercalc IMUC.
Sample usercalc that can be added to the pay point IPPP
Line | CMD | Type_1 | Operand_1 | OPER | Type_2 | Operand_2 | Type_3 | Operand_3 | If GOTO | Else GOTO |
10 | LET | V | min_earns | MLT | $C | NJ_MIN_WAGE | N | 20 | 100 | |
100 | LET | V | elpl_start_date | EQ | $S | PERIOD-START-DATE | 110 | |||
110 | LET | V | elpl_end_date | EQ | $S | PERIOD-START-DATE | A | +6D | 120 | |
120 | LET | V | earnings-W1 | ELPL | ET | GROSS | 1000 | |||
1000 | IF | V | earnings-W1 | GE | V | min-earns | 1010 | 2000 | ||
1010 | LET | V | weeks-worked | EQ | N | 1 | 2000 | |||
2000 | LET | V | earnings-W2 | ELPL | ET | GROSS | 2100 | |||
2100 | LET | V | earnings-W2 | SUB | V | earnings-W2 | V | earnings-W1 | 2200 | |
2200 | IF | V | earnings-W2 | GE | V | min-earns | 2300 | 9000 | ||
2300 | LET | V | weeks-worked | ADD | N | 1 | V | weeks-worked | 9000 | |
9000 | LET | PC | 9400 | EQNL | V | weeks-worked | N | 0 | 99999 | |
99999 | EXIT |