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Entity - Table Names#

Entities are identified in the Entity Relationship Diagrams as a singular name (i.e. DEPARTMENT). The table name can be derived from the entity name on teh diagram by noting this name, and the module that the ERD reflects (HR, PR, etc.) which is CM (Common Definitions) for DEPARTMENT.

The table name is assembled by the prefix (P2K_), the module abbreviation (CM_) and then the entity name in plural (DEPARTMENTS) thus: P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS. If the entity name has multiple words then these are separated by underscores (i.e. P2K_PR_PAY_LINE_DETAILS) If the plural of the entity name is an irregular ending, then the correct pluralization applies (i.e. P2K_HR_IDENTITIES from the IDENTITY entity)

View Names#

Function Names#

Lexicon Names#