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Multiple Threaded Update Processes#

Some of the update processes in the application which are known to cause performance issues in the system have been upgraded to utilize both the application and database servers processing power. These update processes will now have the ability to run many tasks concurrently. This has been done by having the functions make use of multiple threading.

Multiple Threading Set Up#

A new function preference, DB PRCSS THREADS, was developed which flags the update processes to take advantage of multiple processors.

This preference can be set up in IMFD or IMFN for the following functions :

The preference value (thread number) should be between 1 and 10. It is highly recommended that this value should be set to around 75 percent of the CPUs (Cores) available. If a value is entered greater than 75% of CPUs available, the function running may not complete.

For example, a database server with 2 Quad cores should be set to no higher than 6 CPU’s for update processes.

Parallel Work Engine Concepts#

Update Functions Using Multi Threading#

Only the most performance hindering functions have been upgraded to make use of multiple threading.