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ACT_MASS_CHANGE is an action button which calls the dialog MSWSMC which allows the user to enter a mass change to a wage scale.

Change Date
This field shows the date the change is to occur.
Change Reason
This field shows the reason for the rate change. This field may be used in mass update programs to insert a change reason into the new records (with the new rate) that will be created.
This field indicates the type of change to be applied.


If the change is a percentage, this field holds the actual percentage amount to be changed.
If the change is a fixed amount, this field holds the actual amount to be changed.

The Effective and Expiry fields indicate the dates through which a wage step is in effect. These fields have a default entry of the 01-Jan-0001 and 31-Dec-3999. Effective and Expiry dates can only be changed through the ‘Scale Modification’ area in this screen, in the Change Date field.
that this process does NOT allow a ‘trial’ run but the changes are not committed until the form is saved.