The Where Clause Creator Dialog MMWCC screen allows you to create a Where Clause. The data in the dialog is stored on the P2K_AM_WHERE_CLAUSES and P2K_AM_CONDITIONS tables.

Where Clause
This field identifies the Where Clause.
Data Source Name
The data source is the table location in which the information being filtered into the where statement is derived from.
Where Clause Usage
This field will indicate if the Where Clause is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete. All Where Clauses created by clients should have a usage of ‘User Defined’.
This field provides a brief description outlining the intention of the ‘Where Clause’. Although it is not a mandatory field, it is recommended to always provide a brief description for the purpose of clarity
This field indicates whether the criteria have been written in the Java or if the criteria are defined on an ‘as required’ basis. There are two options available, Java Defined and Ad Hoc. Users should use the type Ad Hoc.
Some 'pre-loaded' where clauses contain java logic, this predefined logic is specified in this field. This field is not used with user-defined where clauses or conditions.
This field allows you to define the filters to be used with the Where Clause. You may use more than one filter on a where clause. If you do use multiple filter statements, they are joined by ‘and’ in the statement.
e.g. You can use multiple columns to return a Positions LOV that will be filtered first by department, next by active status, and finally by date.
This field allows you to provide an SQL statement to further filter the information.
e.g. Equals, Formatted Equals, Greater Than, In, Is Not Null, Is Null, Less Than,…
By selecting Formatted Equals in the Operator, the user is able to specify a date format in the Format Symbols field.
This field indicates what data the column name is to be compared with. For example this could be the as of date, lexicon values, numbers or specific data within the database such as a department code.
Test Where Clause
This button allows you to test the Where Clause to see if it returns the correct information in a timely manner.

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