The Subject Requests MMREQ screen allows you to communicate between system users. They can be used to request a task to be performed by another employee, or simply as a note for a particular user. The data in the dialog is stored on the P2K_AM_REQUESTS and P2K_AM_REQUEST_ACTIVITIES tables.
- Request Type
- The request type is defined in this field.
- Sent On
- The date the request was sent is defined in this field.
- Sent From
- The individual who sent the request is defined in this field.
- Status
- The status of the request is defined in this field.
- Synopsis
- A synopsis of the request is displayed in this field.
- Description
- A description of the request is displayed in this field.
- Complete Request
- This button allows you to complete a request.
- Deny Request
- This button allows you deny a request.
- Add Activity
- This button allows you to add an activity to the request.
- Type
- The action type is defined in this field.
- Added By
- This field identifies the person who added the activity.
- Activity Text
- Further information about the activity is entered in this field.