The View This Pay Stub Values dialog M1EPS screen allows users to view the YTD values up to including the most recent pay. The dialog screen can be accessed through the View Last Pay Stub W1EPS screen on the mobile device.
The definition data for the YTD Pay Stub Values screen is stored in the P2K_PR_DISBURSEMENTS and P2K_PR_SPAY_STUB_INFO tables.
- Net
- This field displays the YTD net pay.
- Earnings
- This field displays the YTD total gross earnings. Clicking on the chevron will provide a breakdown of the earnings total according to the Earnings Element field in the Define Payrolls IPPR screen.
- Deductions
- This field displays the YTD total. Clicking on the chevron will provide a breakdown of the deduction total according to the Deductions Element field in the Define Payrolls IPPR screen.
- Benefits
- This field displays the YTD total employer paid benefits. Clicking on the chevron will provide a breakdown of the benefits total according to the Benefits Element field in the Define Payrolls IPPR screen.
- Other
- This field displays additional pay components outside of the Earnings, Deductions and Benefit elements. Clicking on the chevron will provide a breakdown of the total according to the Other Element in the Define Payrolls IPPR screen.