Table of Contents


The Reference Interface File screen is used to import assessment event records into the software data structures.

Reference Events Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_REFERENCES table.

This field uniquely identifies the reference event record within the data base.
The candidate associated with the reference is identified in this field.
This field will display the current status of the reference provided.
This field allows you to classify the references into specific types.
Country Name
The reference's country is displayed in this field.
The reference's state/province is displayed in this field.
Contacted On
This field will display the date the individual who gave the reference was contacted.
Company Name
This field displays the company name where the reference is employed.
Contact Name
This field displays the name of the individual providing the reference.
Contact Title
This field displays the reference’s title within their company.
Address 1
This field displays the address of the company.
Address 2
This field provides further address information for the company.
This field displays the city or town for the company’s address.
Zip Code
This field holds the zip or postal code for the address.
Phone #
‘Phone Number’ is the main phone number for the reference.
Phone Extn.
This field displays the extension (if any) for the reference.
Alt. Phone #
This field displays an alternate phone number for the reference.
Alt. Phone Ext.
This is the extension (if any) for the alternate phone number.
Fax #
This field provides a fax number for the candidate's reference.
This field provides a email address for the candidate's reference.
This field will indicate the reference’s main language of communication.
Available to Contact
This is an optional toggle used to indicate if the candidate's referral is available to contact.

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