Table of Contents
The Applications Interface File screen is used to import application records into the software data structures.
Applications Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_APPLICATIONS table.
- ID
- This field uniquely identifies the application record within the data base.
- Entity
- This field indicates the entity associated with the application.
- Application
- This field indicates the application.
- Candidate
- The candidate making the application will be identified in this field.
- Posting
- The posting associated with the application will be identified in this field.
- Status
- The status of the application is displayed in this field.
- Stage
- The application stage is indicated in this field.
- Application Opened On
- This field will be displayed the assigned number for the application.
- Job Profile
- The job profile associated with the application will be displayed in this field.
- Seq #
- This field defines the sequential order of the recruiting stages.
- Unit
- The unit associated with the application will be displayed in this field.
- Person Code
- The person associated with this assignment will be displayed in this field.
- Employment Type
- This field will identify the specific type of employment the candidate had with the company.
- Date of Hire
- The hire date associated with the application will be displayed in this field.
- Assignment
- This field displays the assignment associated with the application.
- Start Date
- If the assignment is date sensitive, the first date of the assignment will be indicated in this field.
- Application Closed On
- This field indicates the date the application was closed with regards to the posting.
- Offered On
- If the candidate is selected for this posting, this field displays the date the job was offered to the applicant.
- Date of Response
- This field indicates the date the candidate responded to the job offer.
- Response Indication
- This field will display the status of the response from the candidate.
- Reason for Rejection
- This field provides the reason for the candidate being rejected for the posting.
- Reason for Decline
- This field provides a reason why the candidate declined the job offer.
- End Date
- If the assignment is date sensitive, the last date of the assignment will be indicated in this field.
- Title
- This field provides the title of the assignment this posting is recruiting for.
- This field will show the full time equivalent associated with this assignment.
- Hours Per Day
- This field shows the average daily hours associated with this assignment.
- Hours per Week
- This field shows the average daily hours associated with this assignment.
- Wage Rate
- This field displays the wage rate for this assignment.
- Basis
- This field displays the basis in which the wage rate is expressed.
- Scale Overridden
- This field indicates if the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually, and is different from the rate on the wage scale table.