The Canadian Pay rules Interface File screen is used to import taxation rules for employees into the software data structures. This table defines the employee’s rules for taxation, including claim codes, filing status and exemption information.

Canadian Payrules Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_CDNPAYRULES table.

This field uniquely identifies the Canadian pay rule record within the data base.
This field identifies the entity associated with the pay rule.
Person Code
This field identifies the person associated with the pay rule.
Employment Type
The person's employment type is displayed in this field.
Date of Hire
The employee's date of hire is displayed in this field.
Effective as of/Expires On
If the employment is for a limited time, that time period is defined in these fields.
Change Reason
This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
Fed Tax Claim Code
Fed TD1 Amount
Fed Annual Tax Credit
This field is used to hold the annual amount that an employee claims as a tax credit for Normal Tax Calculation.
Fed Annual Tax Deduction
This field shows the deduction used to reduce the amount subject to federal income tax withholding.
Fed Annual Area Deduction
This field is used to hold the deduction for living in a prescribed zone (e.g. Yukon Territory, or Northwest Territories) specified on the TD1 form.
Fed Tax Amount
This field contains the flat tax amount that has been pre-calculated by you to be taken each pay. It will be used when the Federal Tax Method equals the Flat Amount Method.
Fed Tax %
This field contains the federal tax percentage applicable to this employee.
Fed Add'l Tax Per Period
This field contains the amount of additional tax the employee claims on TD1 form that is to be taken each pay period.
Fed Filing Status
This field indicates that a person is a regular employee, a pensioner or a non-resident of Canada.
Fed Tax Method
This field is used to indicate the override for federal tax calculation: the annualized (table), cumulative averaging, flat amount, or percentage method.
Fed CPP Method
This field is used to indicate the override for CPP calculation: period exemption or an hourly exemption.
Fed EI Method
This field is used to indicate the override for employment insurance calculation.
Fed Labour Fund
This field is used to hold the federal labor-sponsored fund tax credit amount for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labor sponsored venture capital corporation.
Prov Tax Claim Type
Prov Tax Claim Code
Prov Claim Amount
This field holds the employee's personal claim amount.
Prov # of Dependants
This field displays the number of dependents being claimed at the provincial level for tax purposes.
Prov Annual Tax Deduction
This field holds the Canadian Provincial Annual Tax Deduction which reduces the amount subject to provincial income tax withholding.
Prov Tax Amount
This field is used to store the Provincial Tax Amount. When the employee works in Quebec and other provinces during the same year, both CPP and QPP calculation take into consideration the other method (either CPP or QPP). Neither CPP nor QPP will allow the contribution to exceed the annual maximum.
Prov Tax %
This field contains the provincial tax percentage applicable to this employee.
Prov Add'l Tax Per Period
This field contains the amount of additional tax the employee claims on TD1 form that is to be taken each pay period. If the employee does not have enough taxable earnings, this amount will only be taken if on the IPPR form the Additional Tax Option field is set to ‘Always’.
Prov Filing Status
This field indicates the status that a person is filing as.
Prov Tax Method
For Canadian Installations only. The Canadian Provincial Tax method indicates the override for provincial tax calculation using the annualized (table) method, by cumulative averaging, as a flat amount, or by a percentage.
Prov QPP Method
This field is used only for clients who have employees in Quebec. The field is used to specify the override for calculation using either a period exemption or an hourly exemption.
Prov Health Tax Method
This field is used to indicate the override for the provincial health tax calculation.
Prov WC Method
This field indicates that Provincial Workers' Compensation insurance premiums are to be calculated:
CPRV Ann Tax Credit
This field holds the Provincial Tax Credit annual amount that an employee claims as a tax credit for normal tax calculation. These annual tax credits are charitable donations, etc. and must be authorized by the tax office.
CPRV Ann Area Deduction
This field is used to store the Provincial Labour Sponsor Fund if it is different from the Federal Labour Sponsor Fund.
This field is used to indicate if Provincial Parental Insurance Plan (PPIP) is to be calculated for the employee.

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