Table of Contents
The Recipients Interface File screen allows you to.....
Recipients Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_RECIPIENTS table.
- ID
- Person Code
- The entity where the employee works is identified in this field.
- Employment Type
- The employee's employment type is identified in this field.
- Date of Hire
- The employee's hire date is identified in this field.
- Plan
- This field identifies the beneficiary plan.
- First Name/Last Name
- These fields display the last and first name of the recipient.
- Relation
- This field describes the relationship of a person to the employee or user with whom they are associated. Relation defaults in once the Name fields are selected.
- Start Date/End Date
- These fields indicates the start and end dates during which dependent coverage or beneficiary status is effective.
- Benefit %
- This field provides the percentage of dependent coverage or beneficiary amount for this plan.
- Bond Participation
- If this is a bond plan and this benefit recipient is participating in the plan then what is their part (owner, co-owner, etc.)?
Notes #
Click to create a new notes pageDefine Benefit Recipients By Plan#
Benefit Recipients are the contacts that are associated with an employee's coverage under the benefit plan.
They are usually dependents, beneficiaries or bond owners.
‘Define Benefit Recipients By Plan’ data is maintained on the P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS table.
Plan Plan is a unique user-defined code that identifies the plan to the organization.
Description This field provides a user-defined description of the benefit plan.
Participation Rule This field indicates whether participation in a benefit plan or coverage is mandatory or optional. The participation rule on the plan definition is used as a default entry to the benefit schedule. Only the participation rule from the benefit schedule is enforced.
Last Remittance Date This is the date this plan was last remitted to the insurance carrier (or reconciled for internal plans). Each time the remittance process is run, this date is updated by the system to reflect the latest date processed. When a user runs remittances for a time period, the system checks that there are no missing remittance periods since the last run. Last_Remit_Date is system updated, but may be user altered.
Policy # This field provides the insurance policy number assigned by the insurance carrier.
Name This is the last and first name used by the contact. First_Name is a mandatory 50-character alphanumeric field you must either manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
Gender This indicates whether the contact is male or female. Gender defaults in once the Name is selected.