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Wage Surveys may be taken within industries to establish a standard of remuneration for jobs within the organization. Personality allows the recording of wage survey information in the Record Wage Surveys (ISSV) form, as well as a capability to map this survey information to different jobs/positions within the organization through the Map Jobs to Wage Surveys (ISSVM) form.

Record Wage Surveys data is maintained on the P2K_SA_SURVEYS, P2K_SA_SURVEY_JOBS and P2K_SA_SURVEY_WAGES tables.

Survey Source
This field indicates the source of the survey. The source may be an industry standard, internal, anecdotal, etc. .
Survey Date
This field holds the date that the survey was taken (not the date the information was entered).
In this field, you may input a description of either the survey being entered or of the survey source.
Survey Job Code
This field shows the job name given in the survey.
This field holds a short description of the survey job.
Region Text
This field holds the name of the region reported. You may, however, also enter any other piece of information which may identify the individual record.
Rate Basis
This field describes the basis in which the wages defined will be paid. For example, yearly or monthly.
Survey Minimum
This field shows the minimum salary recorded for the survey for this region.
Survey Midpoint
This field shows the middle salary recorded for the survey for this region.
Survey Maximum
This field shows the maximum salary recorded for the survey for this region.

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